Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [noun] with [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It should be emphasized that private markets have remained the main source of financing for countries with balance of payments problems .
2 Two consortia — one led by P & O and the other by Trafalgar House — are still bidding for partnership with BR , which is due to announce its choice by the end of the month .
3 He 'll be stripping for action with Helmut or whatever his name is this week .
4 It had always been generous in terms of sick pay and sympathetic and understanding towards employees with family problems , though it expected high standards of dress and deportment and lateness , absenteeism and incivility were not tolerated .
5 Like the previous management of the Dee Hall , he prided himself upon being ‘ a good employer ’ and was generous in terms of sick pay and sympathetic and understanding towards employees with family problems .
6 Well I 've seen I 've seen guys walking along balconies with joints in their hands , you know smoking the joint as they 're walking along .
7 Solcia et al , in a recent review of the published reports , gathered 14 cases of fundic argyrophil carcinoids ( including our first two cases ) , all occurring in patients with Zollinger-Ellison sydrome and MEN 1 .
8 There 's a lot of new things happening in school with GCSE and the National Curriculum .
9 Particularly in hospital , communicating is the only means patients have of acquiring information about their illness , telling staff of problems , keeping in contact with relatives and relating to other patients .
10 I have found all these meetings extremely valuable as a means of keeping in touch with UK and international developments in the environment field , and as a way of feeding in views from Wales .
11 Writers on the American situation emphasise the difficulty of keeping in touch with contacts and the consequent risk of their developing clinical disease unknown to their physician ; a single BCG vaccination should reduce this difficulty .
12 Has consideration been given to ways of keeping in touch with nurses who leave ?
13 Small mammal species ( voles , lemmings ) dig or burrow in snow , isolating themselves from environmental extremes and keeping in touch with food at the ground-snow interface .
14 The annex to the circular also highlights four important issues related to the local arrangements for care programming : inter-professional working , involving patients and carers , keeping in touch with patients while ensuring that services are provided , and the role of key workers .
15 Patients newly admitted to the hospital environment will naturally be anxious about keeping in touch with family , friends and work associates .
16 Earlier this year Jagger was said to have been spotted holidaying in Thailand with Carla — days after Jerry Hall had his third child .
17 And it is surely dying from cancer with dignity which requires bravery .
18 incorporating in partnership with Tivoli such standards as D M E and D C E which Tivoli indeed helped to define .
19 The company is based on a novel concept of direct selling , which involves representatives knocking on doors with catalogues and selling household goods on the back of it .
20 Equal amounts of cell membrane protein from normal and carcinoma tissue were boiled for five minutes in SDS sample buffer and analysed by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis acording to Laemmli with 7% resolving gels .
21 Three different assistant directors had responsibilities relating to children with disabilities — one for under fives , another for older children and their families , and a third for adults with physical and learning disabilities !
22 From these diaries we know that Minton made between two and four visits to ‘ Marshalls ’ every year up until 1954 , staying usually a couple of nights and returning to London with sheaves of drawings .
23 The hotel stands on the site of the home of General Hugh Mackay ( 1640–92 ) , who joined the English army in 1660 , serving in France and Holland , eventually returning to England with William of Orange , in the Revolution of 1688 .
24 I discussed my plans with Colonel Sandford ; he had travelled across Abyssinia to the Sudan in 1907 and served under my father in the Legation in 1913 , returning to Abyssinia with Christine , his wife , after the First World War in which he had fought with distinction .
25 The company had moved fast since landing at Portsmouth with King Henry late in October .
26 At the beginning of the nineteenth century you get people like Jane Austen writing , writing about heroines with minds of their own , women who can actually think and talk and do all sorts of things that very often in literature women had n't been conceptualised as doing before .
27 Bill gave up his job of 20 years as a tea taster and blender , exchanging the daily ‘ trundling up to London in a bowler hat for driving about 1,000 miles each week looking for antiques with Angela ’ .
28 I broke into violent tears at this point , I remember , and flew upstairs to turn out his drawers , looking for socks with holes in them .
29 It is also looking for partnerships with telecommunications operators through a new WorldPartners Association .
30 The British Executive Service Overseas ( BESO ) is looking for volunteers with skills to work overseas , training people in the Third World , particularly chefs .
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