Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [noun] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is not obvious how this can be guaranteed by bureaus competing for business in quasi-market conditions .
2 AMERICAN born Lisa Price , now living in Llanidloes , has been appointed sales manager for Radio Maldwyn , and is successfully canvassing for advertisers in time for the independent local radio station 's launch on July 1 on 756kHz medium wave .
3 The disadvantage ( occasionally overwhelming ) is the capital cost , even allowing for relief in respect of interest charges and capital allowances for new buildings and other improvements .
4 Taken together these two relationships will improve on the current single relationship by allowing for shifts in consumer spending between commodities with different amounts of value added .
5 Held , allowing the appeal , that the retraction by a witness in extradition proceedings of evidence previously given in the requesting state did not in itself discredit that evidence and , unless it was worthless , the magistrate was entitled to act upon it in deciding whether there was sufficient evidence to justify an order for committal ; that , equally , a witness 's evidence was not to be automatically discredited by virtue of that witness having been an alleged accomplice of the accused ; and that the magistrate had given proper consideration to the retraction of P. 's evidence and to his being an alleged accomplice when deciding if there was sufficient evidence to justify the applicant 's committal ; that , further , since the provision in article 1 of the Treaty allowing for extradition in respect of offences ‘ committed within the territory of the requesting party ’ having been extended by article 3(2) to cover participation in extradition offences punishable by the laws of both states , the lack of evidence of the applicant 's presence in Sweden at the relevant time did not take the offences outside the ambit of the Treaty ; that under Schedule 1 to the Act of 1989 the magistrate was concerned only with committal proceedings under English procedure in relation to the English crimes specified in the order to proceed and not with the jurisdiction of the Swedish court ; and that , accordingly , the magistrate had been entitled to commit the applicant ( post , pp. 846D–F , 850F — 851A , E — 852C , 853A ) .
6 Gunn still rooting for Ferguson in title race Myles Palmer reveals why the Norwich goalkeeper makes Manchester United his second choice
7 But Shadow Chancellor Gordon Brown , who has been pressing for CUTS in interest rates , said the rise was ‘ disastrous . ’
8 They would be charged with specific tasks , such as monitoring discrimination , checking for ageism in job advertisements , creating a wider range of opportunities for older workers .
9 In option two areas , attempts were made at eliminating through traffic in addition to reducing traffic speeds , particularly by using speed humps and parking rearrangements to create carriageway narrowings .
10 Mr Hewitt , dying of cancer in hospital , said to Mrs Sen — his close friend for thirty years , with whom he had at one time cohabited — " The house is yours , Margaret .
11 From the viewplate in the open booth that face looked out at Jaq , eyes twinkling like ice in chartreuse , a playful and predatory smile puckering the lips .
12 Dennis Hopper , then a mere passing acquaintance of Nicholson 's had , in comparison , made it big at nineteen , appearing with Dean in Rebel Without a Cause and Giant .
13 He remembers a culinary repertoire consisting of kippers alternating with macaroni in tomato sauce .
14 During the early summer of 1920 , a bakers ' strike led to Dad 's lifelong friend , Walter Shipsey , leaving the employ of Suttons , the High Street Bakers , leasing the bakery in Prospect Place and launching into business in partnership with a Mr. Sheppard .
15 And brimming with fun in bowler hats , the visitors raised more smiles than Downing Street 's double act .
16 It is supported by the Keep Sunday Special campaign but falls far short of the deregulation called for by many large stores currently opening on Sundays in breach of existing laws .
17 Rapidly increasing administrative costs are contributing to reductions in service despite increased expenditure .
18 It is a criminal offence under the Consumer Transactions ( Restriction on Statements ) Order ( SI 1976 No 1813 ) to purport to exclude or restrict liablity for breach of the statutory implied terms relating to goods in ss13-15 of the SGA 1979 where the buyer deals as a consumer within the meaning of that expression in the UCTA 1977 .
19 You know , a very good example of this , that always sticks in my mind , telling me erm , that once she was analyzing a woman and er , a lot of the analysis was concerned with erm , conflicts , erm , relating to masturbation in childhood , and constantly felt that this was what the analysis seemed to have done , because the woman consistently denied this had ever happened .
20 It hopes it may encourage congregations and others to consider important and urgent issues relating to music in worship .
21 After the close of pleadings in an action begun by writ there must be discovery by the parties to the action of the documents which are or have been in their possession , custody or power relating to matters in question in the action .
22 There is urgent need to reform the law relating to damages in libel actions .
23 Other restrictions are less justifiable : the routine exclusion of the media from " in chambers " hearings relating to property in divorce cases , to bail applications in Crown Courts , and to applications for injunctions and eviction orders in the Queen 's Bench Division of the High Court are breaches of the " open justice " principle which may in due course be struck down by the European Court of Human Rights .
24 North Shields and Cramlington contain an interesting set of sub-localities in which almost all the issues relating to residence in relation to base as an aspect of social differentiation can be investigated .
25 establish on the same comparable basis the size and nature of differentials in health out-come in the two countries between groups ; 2. identify differentials in specific certified causes of death ; 3. examine the evidence relating to differentials in accessibility , use and quality of services available to different groups ; 4. document geographical and related socio-economic differentials in health outcomes and the distribution of health resources and the relation between them .
26 I think there are many advantages to returning to work in addition to the fact that the time you spend with your child is so much more special and pleasurable .
27 Returning to America in autumn 1966 , he composed and performed with the Philip Glass Ensemble and the Mabou Mines Theater .
28 Caledor II personally kills Snorri Halfhand , King Gotrek 's son , before returning to Ulthuan in time for the hunting season .
29 On Sunday April 26 , Britain 's first organic food market starts trading at Spitalfields in east London .
30 Alphabetical listings of LCSH do not offer an overview of related subjects and looking through records in class number sequence does not give the user the structure of the classification scheme .
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