Example sentences of "[v-ing] [noun sg] at [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The probability of maintaining remission at six months was 0.67 after prednisolone , 0.28 after elemental diet , and at one year was 0.35 after prednisolone and 0.09 after elemental diet , p<0.05 .
2 The cumulative probability of maintaining remission at six months was 0.67 after treatment with prednisolone compared with 0.28 after treatment with elemental diet , and at one year the probability of maintaining remission was 0.35 in the prednisolone group and 0.09 in the elemental diet treated group ( p<0.05 ; log rank test ) .
3 DOREEN Barnett , seated , with one of her retirement gifts , says farewell to her colleagues in the potting department at Imperial Pottery after 27 years ' service .
4 Who who 's representing management at this consultation ?
5 By incorporating parking at right angles to the kerb in 50m stretches on alternate sides of the road , a series of 45 degree chicanes in a formerly straight street can be created ( Figure 5.9 ) .
6 Released from prison , Rudd travelled around the country , undertaking surveys and checking information at first hand .
7 Liberalism and reform was gaining strength at that time , as manifested in the socially aware novels of Dickens and the activities of Dr Barnardo and his homes for waifs .
8 Of course , we only got one thrashing set at that time o' day , you see ; and we d finish in March or the fore-part of April time .
9 The section then dived down to attack , Yellow I ( Jeffries ) going in on the starboard quarter and I dived down and made a quarter-astern attack from below , opening fire at 400 yards and closing to 50 yards , giving the e/a three bursts of three seconds each .
10 In the 1960s , under the Sandys plan , a regular army of only 165,000 was expected to maintain stability in the colonial Empire as well as keeping BAOR at 55,000 men — not an inviting prospect .
11 Pre-eruption vesiculation has been inferred previously using microgravity at andesitic stratocones ( Poas and Pacaya ) where only 1–2% change in the degree of vesiculation accounts for the observed changes ( of 100μGal ) .
12 A number of guests , unaccustomed to attending formal functions , caused a few unpleasant moments when they began targeting abuse at social secretary , the Reverend Shrigley .
13 More than 150 nuclear safety experts from 36 countries met in Vienna on May 14-18 to exchange information on operating experience at nuclear plants and to analyse new dimensions in nuclear safety .
14 A continuous process causing modification at both levels .
15 He recalled also that the company had won awards for quality and production but added : ‘ It will be difficult to portray that image when there are several hundred people at the factory gate shouting abuse at prospective customers . ’
16 Grubby urchins stood on the wall , sucking steaming mossballs and shouting abuse at each other .
17 On June 13 , having heard speeches from both Walesa and ex-Prime Minister Olszewski , delegates adopted a resolution " expressing indignation at recent events in Poland and the role played by the President in them " and calling for the exposure of secret service agents .
18 Customers are saving cash at both ends of the spectrum , he says .
19 After expressing astonishment at this turn up for the book , gazing round and saying things such as ‘ By my halidom , sir knight , ’ and ‘ Gadzooks , fell work shall be done this sennight , ’ they took grimly to hewing and slaying Krooms left , right and centre by the baker 's dozen .
20 Observers also fear that some state governments , favouring development at all costs , may declare whole regions open for exploitation without any pretence at environmental assessment .
21 However , as the building society has grown , so have their catering requirements and CCG are now serving food at six locations in Milton Keynes and nearby Bletchley , as well as two in London , including their head office in Baker Street .
22 Erm , these are the same displays which were shown to er the tenants meeting public at Three Hills .
23 On the political side , federalists hoped that there would be a gradual shift of decision-making to European institutions and that economic co-operation would have a major political impact , forcing unity at all levels — economic , social , financial , foreign affairs — until states merged into one .
24 But the ministers favoured a more gradual approach , entailing unanimity at each stage .
25 I was gnashing mine at some news from France , received just after another example of the present service from British Telecom .
26 Growth occurred in bursts , with different individuals beginning and ceasing growth at all stages within the growing season .
27 There were also different conventions surrounding painting at different periods .
28 Chemical giant ICI said it was ceasing production at two chlorine plants at Fleetwood on the Fylde Coast and listed increased fuel charges as one of the reasons for closure .
29 It was a particularly testing time at British Steel as we were still engaged in the major retrenchment exercise and we also had the very difficult task of keeping the steel mills operating during the miners ' strike .
30 Using video at this level is a good occasion to focus on the story or the way a topic is treated or the way a programme is structured .
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