Example sentences of "[v-ing] [noun sg] to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , MailSort , the Post Office 's new bulk mailing rebate scheme which will come into full use in the Summer of '89 , is bringing computerisation to the direct marketing industry because it just is n't practical to sort mail by hand into thousands of individual postcodes .
2 Such incentives might be made up of a share of the surplus which the bureaucrats could appropriate ; ‘ deferred prizes ’ for keeping a bureau 's output within what was promised in a budget-output proposal and for returning money to the general fund during an official 's tenure of office ; and allocations towards supplementary activities such as travel budgets .
3 This was perhaps successful in moderating opposition to the new industrial social order .
4 Gaining entrance to the large building had , also , taken a considerable amount of time and effort .
5 Conversely , the major benefits of privatization are likely to stem not from literally returning ownership to the private sector , but rather from associated measures which make it clear to managers that they are expected to compete effectively and efficiently .
6 In yet another , Labour says : ’ Returning water to the public sector is a priority . ’
7 Disorganized capitalism remains capitalism , and they make it clear that they are not bidding farewell to the working class .
8 Turkey 's primary interest is in gaining access to the European Community and Ankara believes that support for the West in the Gulf will hasten the day when Brussels will have to admit , albeit reluctantly , its first Muslim partner .
9 Key informants in universities and government agencies provided assistance in locating and gaining access to the relevant documents .
10 In a report to the Conseil des Ministres ( the Cabinet ) she wrote , ‘ Our companies often encounter resistance from West German companies in gaining access to the best parts of this market ’ , adding later , ‘ I am very European , but it is quite unacceptable to build Europe on the basis of an imbalance with Germany ’ . '
11 Since this condemnation of research opportunity , few studies have penetrated deeply beneath the sensitive skin of ‘ police culture ’ , and even though Chatterton in his notes to my thesis argued there has been a considerable amount of ‘ participant police research ’ , I would question whether many of these inquiries achieved the finer grain and detail' of the insider 's account , for they can never really know or tell if they have been excluded from the inner workings of police practice or prevented from gaining access to the hidden realities ‘ contained inside the heads of the constables ’ .
12 Poland was doing so in protest at the Soviet Union 's refusal withdraw all its 50,000 Polish-based troops by early 1992 , while Czechoslovakia was denying access to the Soviet convoys after the failure of talks on a cash payment for the proposed transit .
13 But instead of relating Bourani to the ordinary world , the distant ship seemed only to emphasize its hiddenness , its secrecy .
14 In fact , wind power is already contributing energy to the national grid in places as far apart as Ilfracombe in Devon , and Ripon in North Yorkshire , with dozens more wind farms planned by the turn of the century .
15 Meetings between the two monarchs were arranged , but rather than bringing peace to the two countries , fresh hostilities broke out .
16 Bringing peace to the troubled city of Washington .
17 Nestlé Foodservice awards the significant prize of £5000 worth of catering equipment to the winning college and the individuals in the winning team are each presented with a £300 cheque at a special presentation ceremony and an all expenses paid study trip to Switzerland .
18 The latter was a compact compartment equipped with a stainless steel sink , large slow combustion cooking range , ample hot water , commodious cupboard accommodation , hinged flap table , serving hatch to the two adjoining messrooms and meat safes .
19 PETER Hunter , Damien Sarsfield and John Smethurst are seeking election to the National Executive Council of the National and Local Government 's Officers ' Association on a platform of total opposition to the union 's present disgraceful policy on abortion .
20 The extraordinary court case in which the chief officers of the Florentine Soprintendenza and others were accused of causing damage to the national heritage by laying new paving in the Piazza della Signoria ended on 21 February with suspended sentences distributed all round .
21 In the case of disclosure of information on defence , international relations , crime , information resulting from unauthorised disclosures or entrusted in confidence by a crown servant , sections 2–6 make disclosure an offence if made without lawful authority and causing damage to the public interest .
22 Reviewing the difficulties facing migrants seeking entry to the public or private rented sectors , he concludes that :
23 He had reportedly criticized the kingdom 's policies in his Friday prayer sermons , opposed the presence of US troops , and put his name to a collective letter by a group of Moslem clerics to the country 's supreme theologian , Sheikh Abdel-Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz , expressing opposition to the US-sponsored Middle East peace conference which had begun in Madrid in October 1991 .
24 The answer may be yes , given the heavy cost of transporting waste to the cheaper hole farther down the road .
25 In a series of subsequent , apparently conciliatory , gestures reported on Dec. 16 , Kurdish leaders agreed to appoint an inquiry into the alleged massacre of 60 Iraqi soldiers in October [ see p. 38548 ] after the government announced that it had lifted restrictions on the acquisition of property by Kurds in the oil-producing town of Kirkuk and issued a decree exempting Kurds from swearing allegiance to the ruling Ba'ath Party .
26 A fountain pen is a writing instrument , metonymically ‘ fountain ’ relative to its reservoir , non-dip implicitly in its connotation , constituting a magnetic focus of cascading libido to the last drop , paradigmatically self-dipping in a Reichian sense .
27 But there was nothing furtive or dubious about watching a crowd of lads playing a game on the sands , any more than there was about carting food to the elderly .
28 ‘ Such a fine day , ’ said McAllister happily , serving breakfast to the three of them .
29 of allotting land to the present tiller , land owned by the tiller should not be drawn upon for redistribution .
30 An individual sitting on the board of such an inquiry may satisfy his own conscience if he finds himself in disagreement with his colleagues by exercising his right to attach a minority dissenting view to the formal report if he considers it necessary to do so .
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