Example sentences of "[v-ing] [noun sg] in [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Case Management Application , has been developed using ImageFlow in combination with Plexus ' flagship XDP image processing software and is claimed to offer 70% of the core functionality needed to develop most vertical market imaging applications .
2 The fair is being sponsored by Catering Update in association with Caterer & Hotelkeeper .
3 Nuisance — Public — Planning permission , grant of — Local authority granting permission for development of commercial port — Movement of heavy goods vehicles on roads leading to port — Vehicles causing serious disturbance to residents — Local authority bringing action in nuisance against port authorities — Whether disturbance public nuisance
4 BOVIS CONSTRUCTION have won a contract to manage a £200 million demolition and rebuilding programme in association with Waltham Forest Housing Action Trust ( HAT ) in east London .
5 " Applications … from the principal House holders of the Chapelry of Woodhead in the Parish of Mottram in Longdendale in the County of Chester … praying assistance in support of their institutions . "
6 When he left the pitch he started hurling abuse in French at the referee .
7 He returned to Edinburgh to teach medical students , becoming lecturer in chemistry in 1863 and professor from 1869 to his retirement in 1908 .
8 In a US setting , Republicans are associated with keeping inflation in check at a greater cost in terms of unemployment than the Democrats will accept ; to put it , perhaps , too strongly , one is the party of unemployment and the other the party of inflation .
9 The two negative requirements are that the agreement must not impose on the undertakings concerned restrictions which are not indispensable to the attainment of the first two criteria and that it must not afford the undertakings concerned the possibility of eliminating competition in respect of a substantial part of the products in question .
11 What , then , is a useful way of conceptualising profit in relation to such examples ?
12 The next day , walking hand in hand through the festive market , we saw a sandwich-board man pushing through the crowds .
13 I remember dark streets , and walking hand in hand with my father .
14 The child walking hand in hand with her father .
15 Far up on the left , above the inn and the cottage row , two other figures moved , blue and white , not haymakers — Jean Bruce and young Donald , walking hand in hand amongst the bents of a neglected field at the furthest point of the McCullochs ' holding .
16 And maybe because I went to an all girls ' school , it 's not so obvious , you do n't see girls and boys walking hand in hand in the playground .
17 One method of representing motion in 4-space on a plane is by representing a point in 4-space by a line on the plane , where each end of the line represents a pair of coordinates [ 17 ] : this is used in Fig. 2.19 to illustrate the strange attractor of Fig. 2.16 .
18 The second key let them into a vaulted stone cellar , and groping torch in hand along the far wall behind the piled casks of wine , Thomas brushed the cobwebs from a low , insignificant door .
19 It was intended that the commission would often be acquiring land in advance of need .
20 He had the faculty of meeting everyone on the level , and Father had a story of seeing him at a political meeting , which he was probably chairing , walking arm in arm with the Grand Old Man himself , both talking .
21 He might have thought he had said too much on Friday , buying the umbrella specially and walking arm in arm with her , and be afraid she would think he had meant more than he had .
22 Suddenly he caught sight of Clare and Underwood walking arm in arm along the opposite pavement .
23 Keep yourself clean from head to foot and provide yourself with opening medicine in case of need .
24 But to the Country Landowners Association they 're vermin … wreaking havoc in woodland across Herefordshire , Worcestershire and Gloucestershire .
25 They crashed at Tillysburn roundabout , causing damage in excess of £4,000 to the car .
26 Editor , — John Spooner , of the Paracetamol Information Centre , accuses Gary P Bray of causing confusion in relation to suicide by ingestion of paracetamol .
27 The career support scheme , which would be voluntary , would put people seeking advice in touch with others who had already experienced their particular problem and could give them the benefit of their knowledge .
28 However , a firm may treat a client or counterparty as a market counterparty by virtue of its status as a member of a listed category only if : ( 1 ) The investment is of the right kind ; this will mean seeking information in advance from overseas persons as to the kinds of investment they regularly deal in and , if necessary , from exchange members as to the kinds of investment dealt in on the exchange ; ( 2 ) Normally , the firm notifies the client or counterparty in writing in advance that it will be treated as a market counterparty ( so that a notification is essential , except as referred to below ) and he has not told the firm that he does not want to be treated as a market counterparty in relation to the investments concerned .
29 The general secretary of the EPRLF , K. Padmanabha , was also reported to have left Sri Lanka , along with other key officials , and to have gone to India , where thousands of EPRLF supporters were seeking refuge in fear of persecution by the LTTE as it moved into areas vacated by Indian troops .
30 As Hassan 's comment half-implies , it may in some areas be time for criticism to move on from the task of defining postmodernism in relation to its antecedents .
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