Example sentences of "[v-ing] [to-vb] from the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 These birds , with now and then a solitary Rhynchops and frigate bird ( Tachypeles aquilus ) , were all of the feathered race that I observed in these heated latitudes , a part of the voyage which always hang heavily upon those destined to visit these distant regions ; by me , however , it was not so much felt , the monotony being relieved by the occasional occurrence of a whale , whose huge body rolled lazily by ; by a shoal of porpoises , which sometimes perform most amusing evolutions , throwing themselves completely out of the water , or gliding through it with astonishing velocity ; or by the occasional flight of the beautiful flying fish , when endeavouring to escape from the impetuous rush of the bonito or albacore .
2 1983 ) looked at 1255 step-families applying to adopt from the step-family population of 6150 in 1980 , and identified a major problem of variable treatment by courts of step-families seeking adoption .
3 There were many reasons why after two decades of activity the American industry should begin to centre on Hollywood but surely Lary May is right to see the move ultimately in terms of the movies seeking to escape from the constant demands of Progressive America .
4 There was to be no self-dramatisation and nothing that would set Amnesty International apart from the very people that it was seeking to protect from the same potential threat .
5 But Zachaire was bitten by the gold bug and wandered around Europe , one jump ahead of the plague , seeking to learn from the motley swarm of alchemists to be found in the abbeys and cities .
6 In so far as the plaintiffs are seeking to recover from the third defendant money which he has obtained for his own benefit or for the benefit of companies which are , in effect , his alter ego , I can see that the third party would have an overwhelming argument that it can not be just and equitable to require him to contribute to whatever the third defendant is ordered to pay to the plaintiffs .
7 They then couch their message in terms with which their hearers will be familiar , seeking to move from the known to the unknown .
8 Short , left-handed and aggressive , he was an opener who hit the ball extremely hard , played every shot in the book with great relish and was always looking to attack from the first ball .
9 Mm there 's the Bare Naked Ladies er they come from Canada they are a brilliant group I think they 're brilliant I do n't care I like them and that 's called er Be My Yoko Ono I was going to go from the Bare Naked Ladies it was all planned I was going to go and say Mary Whitehouse how are you today and she was there er un unfortunately we 've we called this is serious .
10 The problem can be quite severe , er we 've had a number of penalties introduced by customs and excise over the last few years but what we 're going to see from the 1st April in this year is interest being charged on overdue moneys paid to customs and excise and also a penalty charged where people make a mistake on their VAT returns , even where they make those mistakes quite innocently .
11 I do believe that one of the best ways we 're going to benefit from the new circumstances I hope of economic stability of low inflation and low taxation , will be to ensure that the provision of capital is made by the principle institutions , namely the banks and the investing institutions .
12 Simpkin , the inventor of a new set of kicking tees used by his players in Catania , has been waiting to hear from the International Board on his amateur status , allegedly jeopardised by his involvement in a professional capacity with the Hong Kong Union .
13 ‘ I 'm going to resign from the Labour Party to make my position clear , and then I do n't know . ’
14 You 're going to hear from the Greek government about this , sir . ’
15 This will be based on the assumption that you are going to descend from the final approach altitude to 0 feet at the field .
16 Yes just before we leave however the question of what occur in my mind how you 're going to get from the present position in what appears to be a cost plus basis as we go along to a fixed cost basis and presumably the programme and I in in , are running as it were , are running effectively on the cost plus basis
17 Erm and how we would generally distribute all this stuff that we 're going to get from the respective head offices , which is now filtering into our office , we 've got leaflets er car stickers question and answer booklets , that kind of stuff .
18 we are going to get from the three national executives erm a list of what the contributions are going to be .
19 After the First World War the town thrived briefly , but in later decades achieved a near-dormitory state , having been discovered by couples wishing to retire from the frenetic life in the larger urban conurbations .
20 The fighting groups overbalanced into the shallower water and continued struggling there , ignoring the arrows beginning to fall from the following ships of the line , swinging up , oars flashing to fill the breadth of the river .
21 With the primitive microclimate generators just beginning to emerge from the orbital factories of Domino Valparaiso , they woke the slumbering ecology and shook it rudely .
22 In 1950 there were 174 000 students at the universities just beginning to emerge from the painful post-war reconstructions .
23 Her head was beginning to throb from the smoky , claustrophobic atmosphere , and she wondered how she could tactfully drop a few hints about leaving without inviting a tirade of displeasure from André , which was the last thing she felt she could cope with .
24 At least a little more flexibility was beginning to emanate from the British Foreign Office over the question of the Suez base .
25 One objective of the analysis is to show that this institutional arrangement will cause local authority spending to differ from the usual predictions of the traditional model .
26 Even so , one of Britain 's foremost authorities on trees , Dr Oliver Rackham , warned in the Guardian in February 1990 : ‘ This time there will be no excuse or failing to learn from the former storm .
27 The report painted a generally optimistic picture of Britain continuing to recover from the worst recession since 1945 .
28 of water , pulsing to fall from the cold tap ,
29 I am trying to tease from the right hon. Gentleman what he thinks is the meaning of the new clause that he invites the House to adopt .
30 ( Remember that the event horizon is the path in space-time of light that is trying to escape from the black hole , and nothing can travel faster than light . )
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