Example sentences of "[v-ing] [to-vb] if [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Zak and Emil arrived together at that point , Emil ready to set the tables for lunch , Zak in theatrical exasperation demanding to know if the actors were to put on the next scene before the meal as originally planned , and if not , when ?
2 We must n't forget Mauleverer , the one who 's always demanding to know if the haddock is finnan , the salmon wild and the beef Aberdeen Angus .
3 In an ideal environment all the people within a single organisation would use the same software but as the ideal is seldom achieved it is worth checking to see if a package can at least handle the industry standard DIF ( Data Interchange Format ) file format .
4 The printing is so poor I kept checking to see if the ink had come off on my clothes and the editors should have picked up errors like the attribution to Mary Cassatt of a mother and child by Berthe Morisot .
5 Mr Anderson also admitted checking to see if the woman had a police record .
6 Went to the early morning prayer meeting to see if the Lord would reveal what talents I have , but He did n't .
7 We are at present analysing and looking to see if the effects of privatisation will more adversely affect women than men .
8 He inspected it , looking to see if the boy had damaged it .
9 ‘ We were seeking to find if the river always spilled at the same points , and the answer was yes .
10 I am just going to see if the cook is attending to the vegetables . ’
11 As Douglas and Ramsay stationed their people about one hundred yards out from the gateway , peering to see if the drawbridge was indeed down , they were startled by two figures who materialised out of the gloom from behind a low wall of the forecourt — and were almost leapt upon there and then .
12 She followed him out , turning to see if the door had a number .
13 The Land Rover 's motor was already running when he arrived in the street , and when Hennessy had clambered in on the passenger side Windeler moved off without even waiting to see if the door was secure .
14 Branson 's recession-hit rivals will be waiting to see if the response justifies lowering their own prices in the leanest booking period of the year .
15 A lot are waiting to see if the sun is going to shine , ’ said general manager .
16 The industry is waiting to see if the facelift will have any effect , although critics say the changes are largely cosmetic and do n't go far enough .
17 It was my experience that they took an extremely passive line , waiting to see if the situation would change and the spouse return .
18 ‘ It is , of course , no accident , ’ he said out loud , testing to see if the words would come out on a printed page in a bound volume , ‘ that redundant theological speculation about the death of God should run parallel with an equally tedious literary preoccupation with the death of the novel . ’
19 A BUS company is anxiously waiting to hear if a Government minister will break the deadlock over a deal which could bring a Sainsbury superstore to Darlington .
20 Bill and wife Sally , 35 , are waiting to hear if a housing association will buy the house and rent it back to them .
21 But a meeting last December was cancelled by the outgoing Bush administration , and NOAA officials are waiting to hear if the Clinton administration wants to pursue the matter .
22 The family 's solicitor , Peter Anderson , said he was waiting to hear if the MoD would deal with the matter , but added that the family may pursue a civil claim .
23 Somebody erm said they were going to , and it was n't me so it was one of you three , said they were going to check if the ball was having a speaker this year .
24 Once specified , these problem behaviours can be talked about to the child and clear guidelines given about what is expected and what is going to happen if the child continues to misbehave .
25 Of course , most of them thrive on it , but many people are beginning to wonder if the rewards for having power , and being able to influence others , are worth the costs , especially in terms of family relationships .
26 Now he was beginning to wonder if the colour had been natural .
27 ‘ I 've no idea but I 'm beginning to wonder if the cops do n't have another idea .
28 I was beginning to wonder if the place actually existed . ’
29 She did so without stopping to see if the road was clear .
30 Much of sociological research is , we might say following Garfinkel , trying to " find the animal in the foliage " or , to extend the implication of the metaphor , trying to see if an idea can be made to say something of sociological interest .
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