Example sentences of "[v-ing] [to-vb] [pers pn] for [pron] " in BNC.

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1 His tousled hair gave him an appealingly boyish appearance , and Robbie found herself aching to smooth it for him , to run her fingers over the dark stubble on his cheeks .
2 Wanting to keep her for himself , and not wishing to give away her identity to his colleagues , he gives her a male name : ‘ Bob ’ — to the delight of the audience , who then laugh each time he uses the name .
3 Well there 's no point in me watching it if I 'm going to record it for you .
4 What 's mummy going to give you for your lunch .
5 All the women we spoke to agreed that it 's up to the families themselves to fight for their rights and recognition — sadly no one else is going to do it for them .
6 You know , they 're not going to do it for nothing .
7 ‘ She listened to me and said , ‘ I 'm sorry , darling , but I was n't going to do it for you .
8 And if you do n't , not prepared to promote yourself , then nobody else is going to do it for you , and this is an ideal way of doing it , at , at fairly minimal cost .
9 SR can not be all things to all women — it must be a reflection of the concerns of its editors , like any magazine and we must remember how harmful struggling for control of our ‘ tiny slice ’ of power can be and put our astonishing energy and feeling into creating a world in which we can expand and fill our rightful share of Smiths with our chosen , positive images of women — the men are n't going to do it for us .
10 ‘ He 's going to leave me for you ?
11 The teacher that reads your review that wants to know shall I buy that review , hi hire that video rather or , or what , am I going to use it for my class , they are going to er want that information and they do n't want er concepts introduced which they do n't understand what is meant by it , so be careful in that er erm , we have species of bird , the brambling , which I , I think is a pub in
12 I was n't going to fight her for it but I was so angry I could have killed her . ’
13 And no nasty dream was going to spoil it for her .
14 Just as well she had such guts really , because no one was going to love her for her feminine self .
15 I was n't there at the time and I 'm damned if they 're going to top me for your brothers .
16 He it is who not only empowers us to do right , but works in us the desire to want to do right , without which we would never dream of turning to ask him for his strength .
17 So to find out how much you pay for , how much actual energy has been used up , you think it , again going back to the water , if we have a big tank full of water and we 're using it up , this time in terms of power , erm if we have something that 's using up water at the rate of say six gallons a minute and someone 's going to charge you for your water .
18 Erm if they 're going to charge you for your water by how much you use , they do n't just charge you twenty when you 've got your hose running .
19 They 're not getting anything out of me , they 're having to pay me for my body . ’
20 A botanist spent 10 minutes trying to identify it for me , while I fretted between the reception desk and the child .
21 ‘ Oh , David , why are you trying to spoil it for me ?
22 I am not trying to punish you for what Steve did to Maria Luisa .
23 ‘ She 's trying to take me for everything I 've got , my friend , ‘ he said .
24 That crucial time in a child 's life when he has the ability to understand that his parents and teachers are trying to prepare him for his adult life , will not necessarily be related to his age .
25 And last night , instead of trying to comfort him for his loss , he told him it was God 's vengeance upon him .
26 ‘ I 'm not offering to pay you for it . ’
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