Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pos pn] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It is on the Welsh border — and I am to reside there in my principality , pursuing my studies under the tutelage of my uncle Earl Rivers and the guardianship of him who has long been my chamberlain , Sir Thomas Vaughan . ’
2 The scene shifted and I found myself at the head of a stairwell , aware that yet another place might be reached but only by somersaulting over the banister and walking my feet down the opposite wall as one might descend a defile in a crag .
3 Thus alerted , a sub-committee of the North of England Protecting and Indemnity Association met on the following morning and resolved that the danger could only be met by " a central organization of owners for the purpose of protecting their interests against the unreasonable demands and actions of trade unions or combinations affecting such interests " .
4 It is to the reptiles themselves one must turn to find the greatest display of armoured scales that are all-enveloping , protecting their wearers over the whole surface of the body .
5 Essex Water is giving a presentation explaining its reasons for the application and answering questions on March 25 .
6 So to raise funds , some of the villagers are opening their gardens to the public on Saturday .
7 The return to rock means the supercession of demystification by re-mystification , giving people back their sense of worship , rather than forcibly opening their eyes to the nuts and bolts of how ‘ myth ’ is constructed .
8 During June and July many artists living and working in East and South East London have been opening their studios to the public , coordinated and publicised by the Whitechapel Gallery .
9 It is not the West End galleries however who have been opening their doors to the new generation .
10 Yet no election campaign has been as unctuously hostile to wealth as the Labour one of 1992 in justifying its policies about the poll tax , the health service , education , and national and local taxation ; and nothing in the public packaging operation left any reason to suppose the Labour Party had abandoned the assumptions of the 1960s .
11 To add to the general gothic touch , the now released pigeons fly around depositing their droppings on the dead body .
12 Now I think of an animal or a small child depositing its excreta in the wrong place so as to annoy its owner or parent .
13 Amid signs of increasing desperation , Bush appeared to adopt a two-pronged strategy , using his powers as President to take actions calculated to improve his popularity , while his campaign staff increased the negative content of the campaign by intensifying their attacks on the character of Clinton , particularly in regard to his attempts as a student to avoid being drafted to Vietnam .
14 Charitable work was also something that daughters could do without prejudicing their chances in the marriage market .
15 The problems faced by princes go a long way to explaining their activities during the lifetimes of their fathers , especially their hostility to their stepmothers .
16 Today you have watched our mandarins banging their foreheads on the flagstones — but not for our emperor !
17 In a haggard era which finds loud lies smothering truths in every crib and pallet and bed , and with the older authors banging their skulls against the Wailing Wall , this young poet and novelist dares deny that the great God Pan is dead .
18 In the Wimpy after 2001 we imitated the apes banging their bones on the ground with our knives and forks on the formica table .
19 As she dried herself , banging her elbows against the sides of the small compartment , she started to giggle .
20 Replacing the plate , she stood up and went back inside the house , banging her slippers on the step to get rid of the snow .
21 A few of the men were dressed in quality suits with top hats and canes ; they moved quickly , keeping their faces to the ground .
22 And they started keeping their clothes at the pit .
23 Soon after they got up — which was always late , which was lunchtime — he and Rufus went in swimming , keeping their feet off the gravelly or slimy bottom and their arms clear of the blanket weed which was like green hair .
24 Rose ignored her , keeping her eyes on the rattling carriage , holding herself in a permanent half crouch , like a sprinter at the starting post .
25 My blaster , ’ she said , backing towards a wall and keeping her eyes on the widening gap between the doors .
26 Swallowing hard , she crawled once more under the rail and inched forward , keeping her eyes on the ground as she went .
27 She opened the door , keeping her eyes on the patch of darkness beyond the lamp .
28 The National Trust runs its hundreds of properties as a charity … and apart from protecting its charges from the ravages of winter , covering up saves them five months dusting .
29 IXI managing director , Ray Anderson , says his company is girding its loins for the ‘ mother of all battles ’ as it seeks to drive into Sun Microsystems Inc turf armed with X.desktop over OSF/Motif .
30 However , Fleischmann and Pons were announcing their results at the press conference before they had told any of their scientific colleagues .
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