Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pos pn] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I certainly feel like celebrat ing my painting at the moment — I have n't done any for weeks .
2 And when the public started seeing my name on the back of these albums , the subsequent demand was staggering !
3 ‘ I 'm very disappointed not to be doing the film , ’ Crawford added , ‘ but I would rather that people remember enjoying my performance in the play than say that I did n't quite pull it off in the film . ’
4 ‘ I 'm really enjoying my game at the moment , because it 's been a top end to the season for us , ’ he enthused .
5 I settled back in my seat , resting my head against the sheepskin , wondering at the strange minuet of their lives , the complexities of their dance of life .
6 ‘ But it 's not decent to go to war over something like this , ’ I screamed , thumping my fist on the table so that the cups on the dresser rattled .
7 I thank my hon. Friend for drawing my attention to the representations that he has made .
8 I am grateful to my hon. Friend the Member for Newham , North-West ( Mr. Banks ) for drawing my attention to the article in the Evening Standard .
9 He 's good about helping my mum in the house .
10 I liked helping my father with the sheep .
11 I am helping my Pa with the outdoor work , as is right and proper .
12 ‘ I am surrounded by selfish bastards I thought were my friends , ’ I say , slapping my forehead with the hand holding the J and almost setting my hair alight .
13 I can appreciate Edouard would rather have me wasting my time at the museum instead of going round to his flat and trying to persuade Barbara Coleman to leave , but sending someone to kill me was rather an over-reaction . ’
14 I plucked one of the torches from the wall and crouched down , wrinkling my nose at the mild sour odour .
15 We were able to exchange ideas and opinions with them — so much so , that by the end of the day one archaeological student was using my detector over the spoil heaps , while I turned my hand to the ‘ trowel and brush . ’
16 It is on the Welsh border — and I am to reside there in my principality , pursuing my studies under the tutelage of my uncle Earl Rivers and the guardianship of him who has long been my chamberlain , Sir Thomas Vaughan . ’
17 ‘ But he knew I was pledging my honour to the king 's peace .
18 Soon I was groping my way up the tight , black corkscrew , mole-mode .
19 Groping my way over the ribs , my heart thudding , I heartily agreed with him .
20 And I just kept banging my bed against the door , just to get rid of my angry , violent feelings .
21 But I was an alien being in a green screen world , lost , weeping with rage and frustration , cuffing the poor old computer , banging my head off the keyboard .
22 If I start to get mad , I 'll just be banging my head against the wall .
23 If Heavy Metal means banging my head against the wall , then I 'm that .
24 The three ruffians pummelled me , banging my head against the wooden slats .
25 Tempest or not , I was in a constant state of ecstasy , huddled in the back seat between the sleeping-bags and wellingtons , pressing my nose against the steamy window to get a better view of these monsters that disappeared into the mist above us , as we drove to our moist destination .
26 For me , opening my studio to the public makes sense in other ways too .
27 I got on my bike and went back to the house a bit recklessly , shooting through puddles on the path and taking the Jump — a bit on the path where there 's a long downhill on a dune and then a short uphill where it 's easy to leave the ground — at a good forty kilometres per hour , landing with a muddy thump that nearly had me in the whin bushes and left me with a very sore bum , making me want to keep opening my mouth with the feeling of it .
28 In recent years , I have preferred launching my attack from the bank , rather than from the boat ; and even in high winds , when most of the loch is churned up , clear patches of water may be found along the lee shore .
29 Keeping my contribution to the subject being discussed
30 I got up , staggered to the window and , while keeping my head below the level of the sill , attempted to close it .
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