Example sentences of "[v-ing] [subord] or not [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As she rejoined Jenny and Paul , she was wondering whether or not Johnny had followed her instructions .
2 In the former case there is understandably much more emphasis on deciding whether or not collusion has in fact taken place .
3 Shultz supports this argument with evidence that children use certain rules in deciding whether or not behaviour is intentional ( Shultz and Wells , 1985 ; Shultz et al . ,
4 In deciding whether or not conduct is disorderly , the magistrates may take into account factors such as the place where the incident occurs , and the time of day .
5 Great care must be exercised in deciding whether or not data fits a logistic curve .
6 It bucked wildly in the night sky , as if deciding whether or not Richard Branson had been lucky enough already , then righted itself and plied on through the night sky , swift and inviolate .
7 One of the difficulties that the senior police officer must consider when deciding whether or not disruption is serious is that , if it seems likely that very large numbers of marchers will be involved , the strength of public support in favour of the particular cause must be weighed against the degree of disruption caused .
8 Gender is also a particularly important factor in determining whether or not individuals are supported or prevented in their attempts to live independently .
9 Further their Lordships have no doubt that when Lord Bridge , after quoting the guiding principle , gave certain examples he was not intending thereby to lay down an exhaustive list of tests to be applied in all cases in determining whether or not profits arose in or derived from Hong Kong .
10 One of those assessing whether or not Dr Carrington was able to make rational judgments and to take critical decisions was his psychiatrist Anthony Moore .
11 The Presbyterian T. W. Manson , a leading scholar in the New Testament and capable of judging whether or not Ramsey had academic weight , seconded the proposal .
12 These markers are outward signs portraying whether or not individuals and collections of people belong to the same ethnic group .
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