Example sentences of "[v-ing] [conj] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In this spirit , and doubtless moved by these very arguments , early in 1987 Kenneth Baker set up his committee under the chairmanship of G. R. Higginson , the Vice-Chancellor of Southampton University , to recommend principles that should govern A level syllabuses and their assessment ‘ in the light of the Government 's commitment to retain GCE Advanced level examinations as an essential means for setting standards of excellence , and with the aim of maintaining or improving the present character and rigorous standards of these examinations ’ .
2 Coach tour of the city seeing or visiting the Servian walls , Aurelian walls , gates of the city and Praetorian camp , pyramid of Cestius , temples of the Forum Boarium , theatre of Marcellus , mausoleum of Augustus , Pantheon and Baths of Diocletian .
3 In both ulcerative colitis and Crohn 's disease , immunological mechanisms seem to play a role in either perpetuating or increasing the inflammatory response .
4 The reader can hope , all the same , that the writer will give an account of the special merits of key pictures , and it is these art critical passages which can be of most help in enjoying or appreciating the chosen artist 's achievement .
5 The strength of a well made glued joint in good condition is not increased by nailing or screwing the joint in addition to the glue , On the other hand , all glues need to be tightly clamped while they set and the simplest way to do this is generally to assemble the wet joint with nails or screws ; having once done this , there is no particular benefit in taking the fastenings out afterwards .
6 He sent a transcript of the testimony to Colombo , where it was perused by a secretariat official who might ask for more evidence before accepting or changing the local recommendation .
7 It is not restricted , as in ordinary litigation which are proceedings between parties , to accepting or rejecting the respective contentions of the claimant on the one hand and the adjudication … officer on the other … .
8 It is often said , persuasively , that men entered into social relations in the course of using or transforming the non-human material world .
9 The democrats generally favoured single-chamber or unicameral legislatures , as the most direct way of reflecting or embodying the popular will .
10 Employers are sometimes guilty of blurring or confusing the two .
11 Negative controls were obtained by omitting or exchanging the primary antibodies .
12 This is to counter the transfer of assets through a newly acquired ‘ surplus ACT ’ company under the no gain/no loss rule in s 171 , TCGA 1992 , which are then sold out of that company , thus eliminating or reducing the taxable gain ( s 245B ) .
13 Subsequently the central department can influence events by issuing circulars , guiding , instructing or exhorting the local authorities , and it can carry out inspections , exercise confirmatory and adjudicatory powers and so forth .
14 The Americans think they constructed the canal — and the lasting folk memory of that achievement in the United States provides much of the emotional underpinning that sustains the American anti-Noriega hysteria — but it was actually built by black workers from the Caribbean .
15 As the guns were still being fired , a Syrian tank came lunging up the shattered street where we had just been walking and entered the tiny square .
16 Real maids are quite different , moaning and wailing and kissing the local bobby between the dustbin and the outhouse .
17 I was booing and hissing the bad guys with the best of them , and I usually hate audience participation .
18 Some lectures were some way even from this loose definition of science : John Ruskin lectured on Verona and Italian art in 1870 , and Richard Westmacott , who was both a Royal Academician and FRS , on art five weeks later — but he talked particularly on the question of assembling and conserving the Greek sculpture in the British Museum .
19 The important thing is to recognise that it is happening and take the relevant action .
20 Clearly while we do have gliders that spin , it is vital to give pilots enough experience to recognise what is happening and to make the right moves instead of panicking and doing nothing .
21 I am also encouraged by the stated principles of conserving the appearance of the central city , and of protecting and enlarging the open spaces , which in some areas are at present lacking .
22 We are always keen to support projects that offer social and economic benefits to the communities of Wales while protecting and enhancing the natural and built environments .
23 The new party is also dedicated to ‘ fighting for the right of self-determination of the Tamils and Muslims ’ and ‘ protecting and preserving the geographical identity and integrity of the traditional homelands of the Tamils and Muslims ’ .
24 Adopting and extending the Gothic taste for punctuating walls with large windows , he built a skeletal structure depending for its stability on the skilful use of flying buttresses .
25 This feature relates solely to the characteristics of the states comprising the membership of international society and is essential to explaining and understanding the international arenas where non-state actors operate .
26 Finally , and by way of summarising and emphasising the main points of this chapter , an investigation by Graesser , Hoffman and Clark ( 1980 ) will be described briefly .
27 Some few may write a Declaration , others may sign it , but they are stating what has been God 's law from the beginning , ‘ That all men are created equal … that … ’ ’ he paused and consulted his watch again , opening and closing the engraved case with a brisk snap .
28 But compared , say , to a President of the United States or France , the tasks of cultivating and presenting the Prime Minister 's personality are probably less demanding .
29 How could she compare the task of dusting and polishing the magnificent English furniture to the drudgery of cleaning our house , where there were only tom rags , a broom and a pail of water , and you had to go down on your knees to scrub the floor and do the endless piles of washing by hand ?
30 For three years I consoled myself with the fact that one minute he was laughing and joking the next it was over . ’
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