Example sentences of "[v-ing] [conj] [verb] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 If the Vendors also going to warrant the accuracy of all disclosures , care should be exercised before suggesting or agreeing to this compromise .
2 Clause 5 of the Bill would impose an obligation of confidence on a person who improperly acquires information by using or interfering with any computer or data retrieval mechanism , a welcome clarification .
3 He spent every minute that was not wasted in eating or sleeping in this pursuit .
4 In an action by the plaintiffs against various defendants , including the first and second defendants , Arthur Hugh Tully and his wife , Margaret McConnell Tully , Buckley J. on 5 June 1991 granted the plaintiffs ex parte injunctive relief requiring Mr. and Mrs. Tully , inter alia , to disclose all dealings relating to certain moneys referred to in a schedule to the order and all sums and assets representing or derived from such moneys , and to exhibit copies of all documents which related to the receipt or transfer of dealing with all such assets .
5 ‘ ( a ) setting out with full particulars all dealings by the first defendant or anyone on his behalf with : ( i ) the moneys referred to in schedule 1 to this order ; and ( ii ) all and any sums or assets representing or derived from those moneys ; and … ( c ) exhibiting copies of all documents which relate to the receipt or transfer of , or dealing with all such assets , and in particular all such documents as are set out in schedule 3 hereto and are in the possession custody or power of the first defendant .
6 A street is also deemed to be any place of public resort or recreation ground belonging to , or under the control of the local authority and any unfenced ground adjoining or abutting upon any street in an urban district ( Section 81 Public Health Acts Amendment Act 1907 ) .
7 The action was taken on grounds of conducting unauthorised business and making unsolicited calls and misleading statements , SIB said , and prevents LWI and from continuing to do this and from disposing or dealing with any assets .
8 They spoke little , for there was no need of speech between them , there was only the quick accord and understanding that exists between all wild creatures .
9 It is assumed that the personal and social significance of transport in general and driving in particular develops rapidly between the ages of 13 and 19 , and that the knowledge , attitudes and judgements relating to driving that develop during these years will have an important bearing on how young drivers behave on the road .
10 It still thinks that by interfering and pouring on more layers of bureaucracy and government it will achieve something that has eluded it for so long and will continue to elude it if it takes that path .
11 In the religious paraphernalia and artwork of their culture , we see a religion half formed , with elusive nature spirits appearing and disappearing in all kinds of manifestations , now taking on the status of a fully-fledged deity , now evaporating into an atavistic mist .
12 After tossing and turning for another while , Amiss fell into a deep sleep from which he was woken less than an hour and a half later by his alarm clock .
13 There 's a lot of banging and crashing on this tape .
14 I mean no disrespect to the geriatric branch of the hospital service nor to the domiciliary services or the rapidly increasing old people 's houses and homes provided by local housing , health and welfare authorities when I say that I believe we are still groping and fumbling with this problem — all of us , social scientists and politicians alike .
15 It had all gone — the thin veneer of self-confidence , the determination that she had been so proud of acquiring and nurturing since that first audition in Vienna .
16 After such a long wait , Ellie was so stiff and so fearful , that she was almost relieved to hear them , laughing and jeering at each other , and then greeting their father , whom they were surprised to see home .
17 Given the nickname ‘ Woodbine Willie ’ by the troops , he once described his chaplain 's ministry as taking ‘ a box of fags in your haversack and great deal of love in your heart ’ and laughing and joking with those he was called to serve .
18 That is accomplished by remembering , applying and living by this truth : at work , whatever our standing , we are servants of Christ before we are servants of any earthly master .
19 Add the Grand Marnier , about 5ml ( 1tsp ) at a time , whisking or beating between each addition .
20 Disorderly conduct bears the same significance as it does in the section 5 offence , and is likely to involve conduct such as shouting or singing in such a way as to alarm persons near by , uncertainty of gait , staggering , lurching or swaying , and behaviour that causes people to take evasive action .
21 And adults do not need to be on the verge of shouting or crying for these mechanisms to be involved .
22 On Saturdays and Sundays she grew more sanguine , but the mood was dispersed on Monday morning with the prospect of enduring that place for another week — right through till Friday when all the managers wore tweeds .
23 There are three bodies of writing that bear on this question and we will consider each in turn .
24 One person does n't wan na lose and the other one wants to win and is going to go backwards and forwards you just end up pushing and pushing and pushing against each other , pointless .
25 Kelly was pushing and kicking for all she was worth , with her stick working in her left hand .
26 Previously , picketing had taken the form of pushing and shoving on both sides , but the confiscation of union banners and the pickets ' public address system by the police led to the throwing of stones and bottles by strikers .
27 Pushing and shoving among that lot , no fear , ’ I said as we struck out for the woods .
28 Kids were pushing past me down the corridor , all shouting and yelling to each other , and Kevin was carried along with them .
29 Lasting impressions so far : the sun ( miraculously ) shining on the slopes of Dalwhinnie , far in the north , on the first leg of the journey ; stumbling across Drew from the World Cup holiday in a motorway café somewhere in England in the middle of the night ; breakfast and mineral water with Claire ( oh , it was good to see her ) in an Italian cafe near London Victoria ; people throwing up all over the joint on the Seacat crossing to Boulogne ( and me staggering about , legs way out of control , on the deck , getting soaked by the spray , saltwater taste in the mouth , and a rainbow arcing on top of the water behind the catamaran ) ; complaining English and American tourist ( ‘ It 's ridiculous that we have to go through customs — why do we have to go through customs anyway ? … ) ; terrible fatigue on the train to Paris , and temperamental French men shouting and swearing at each other in the aisle ; relief at finding Angela 's flat in Paris ; difficult negotiation of the very narrow stairwell , finally finding her way at the top on the 6th floor ; food , and wine , and a shower , and a bed-settee for the night ; Japanese tourists at Notre Dame , and a man announcing his state of poverty and homelessness on the Métro — ‘ ‘ .
30 The housekeeper was in charge of mending and looking after all the linen from the various parts of the house .
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