Example sentences of "[v-ing] [conj] [verb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The court may set aside the demand if the debtor appears to have a counterclaim , set-off or cross claim equalling or exceeding the debt demanded , the debt is disputed on grounds which appear to the court to be substantial , the creditor appears to hold some security for the debt of sufficient value , or the court is satisfied on other grounds that the demand ought to be set aside .
2 Around 1780 he began developing an apparatus for making artificial mineral waters equalling or exceeding the quality of natural spa waters , and was the first person to use a force pump to carbonate under pressure .
3 Disinfectants act on bacteria in two main ways namely as cell toxins poisoning or destroying the cell or by interfering with their metabolism .
4 Here , in the work of Picasso , the device of fusing or merging the subject with its surroundings allows the painter to insist on the surface unity of the picture but also has the same effect of allowing the spectator to reconstruct form beyond the boundaries stated .
5 One of the problems confronting a teacher who wishes to present effective arguments for maintaining or expanding the teaching of history in a school or college is the way in which many people perceive the subject .
6 Maintaining or increasing the number of pupils is crucially important in providing the ‘ bread and butter ’ finance for the school .
7 A trade union was now to become , in the Webbs ' first definition ‘ a continuous association of wage earners for the purpose of maintaining or improving the conditions of their employment ’ , a definition later altered so as to refer to ‘ working lives ’ rather than ‘ employment ’ .
8 But at the same time , it increased risks for national governments , both as helmsmen for the national economy and as the ultimate authority responsible for maintaining or improving the creditworthiness of the state as a debtor seeking finance from the system .
9 Concern has been expressed that the ordinary principles of criminal liability will draw into the net other non-violent demonstrators who may be considered to be assisting or encouraging the conduct in question and that unless such people leave the scene quickly they might face the serious charge of riot .
10 Particular attention will be paid to the factors assisting or retarding the acceptance of Soviet interpretations of non-alignment in South Asia .
11 Stimuli of this sort may still evoke an OR that habituates during pre-exposure but there is no reason to suppose that the loss of the overt components of this response will prevent the subjects from seeing or hearing the stimulus .
12 Repairing & Painting The Trams
13 A wide semicircle of Germans and Repubblichini formed on the edge of the pianura near Parma and moved up towards the mountains , looting and burning villages ; some times shooting in the air to spread terror and sometimes hanging or deporting the inhabitants .
14 Turning away to avoid eye contact , not talking or commenting on the behaviour , and not touching or allowing the child to climb on to their lap are essential characteristics .
15 Perhaps because of its success , it has been held as a model of scholarly inquiry ; social scientists have tried to emulate what they believed were the methods of physics : formulating a testable hypothesis , setting up an experiment which could be replicated , carefully observing and measuring the results , and proving or disproving the hypothesis .
16 The long term answer does not lie in proving or disproving the validity of alternative allergy tests .
17 The value of items ( a ) — ( c ) is restricted to quantifying or qualifying the market .
18 Schumpeter produces at least two definitions , closely similar in spirit to one another : ‘ Democracy means only that the people have the opportunity of accepting or refusing the men who are to rule them ’ .
19 Members of Parliament then have an opportunity to discuss and amend , accepting or rejecting the proposals in the light of what they consider to be the needs and desires of their constituents .
20 Generally , it was the smaller snail that climbed on to the back of the larger one and actively courted it , while the larger snail was passive , simply accepting or rejecting the advance .
21 Perhaps the most important point is that , regardless of who may be at the launch point , the pilot alone bears the responsibility for accepting or rejecting the launch in the light of the situation as he sees it from the cockpit .
22 It is not scaremongering or playing the numbers game to recognise and respond to changes on that scale .
23 The figure held his lasgun upright , the nozzle against the tip of his visor , as if sniffing or kissing the weapon .
24 Amounts which are commonly established by accountants ' certificates in sale and purchase of business agreements include : ( 1 ) profits , losses and sales ; ( 2 ) the value of the stock ; ( 3 ) apportionments between vendor and purchaser ; ( 4 ) the turnover of service businesses and the value of service contracts ; ( 5 ) the evaluation of loan portfolios of banks ; ( 6 ) the net asset value of a company or business at a particular date ; and ( 7 ) the cost of repairing or replacing an asset transferred with the business .
25 Doctors nowadays recognise that their function is not a limited technical one of repairing or servicing a body .
26 4 Scaffolding The right to erect scaffolding for [ any purpose connected with or related to the Centre or the purpose of repairing or cleaning the Centre ] notwithstanding that such scaffolding may temporarily restrict the access to or use and enjoyment of the Premises This right is included in order to overcome the problem resulting from Owen v Gadd where the Court of Appeal held that the construction of scaffolding poles in front of a shop , where there was no reservation of such a right , infringed the landlord 's covenant for quiet enjoyment .
27 It is fair to say that scaffolding placed in front of premises is extremely detractive and the following amendments to this paragraph may be advisable : The right to erect scaffolding for the purpose of repairing or cleaning the Centre provided that there shall not be erected any scaffolding or other structures in front of or to the rear or sides ( if applicable ) of the Premises in such a position so as [ materially ] to obscure the windows of the Premises or so as to prevent or [ unreasonably ] interfere with access to the Premises by customers or other persons entering the Premises or in connection with the servicing thereof
28 After a time this ability becomes as instinctive as is the power of singing or whistling a note of any pitch desired , but it should be obvious that horn parts should keep to ‘ vocal ’ intervals or stepwise movement as far as possible .
29 For the Spectrum owner who is either using or considering the purchase of a Microdrive system an interface unit may be unnecessary as the Microdrive interface itself is supplied with a serial interface which can be used to drive a printer .
30 The pragmatist takes a skeptical attitude toward the assumption we are assuming is embodied in the concept of law : he denies that past political decisions in themselves provide any justification for either using or withholding the state 's coercive power .
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