Example sentences of "[v-ing] [conj] [indef pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The tenant may be wary of this in case it is used by the landlord to remove the tenant ( in a buoyant market ) but any dilatoriness on the part of the landlord in reinstating where none of the supervening events applies could be seized upon by the tenant .
2 Taking a deep breath , he than walked slowly and sedately down one side of the lane , keeping to the shadows , praying that none of the neighbours would report a suspicious man creeping along the back of the houses .
3 there was four of us and we started bidding and somebody in the crowd started bidding four thousand .
4 Simply because Japan appears to be different we should guard against reversing the image by suggesting that none of the standard elements of Japanese work practices is present in the West , and that workplace conflict is rare in Japan .
5 But no evidence was offered against Tapping after none of the civilian witnesses needed for yesterday 's trial at Teesside Crown Court turned up .
6 The ANC described the moves as " window dressing " , noting that none of the generals named in allegations of police excesses and assassination squads were among those removed .
7 As I remember , I was even readier to advance in class the theories of , for instance , F. L. Lucas on the decline of the Romantic ideal , or E.M.Y. Tillyard on poetry direct and oblique , while suspecting that none of the other girls ( or perhaps even the teachers ) had read the books in question .
8 The URNG on Nov. 8 had called for an election boycott , stating that none of the candidates represented the interests of the majority of the population .
9 In a session lasting until one in the morning they had discussed Crime in Society with that lucidity which is only achieved at somewhere above the 100 mg per cent level of blood alcohol and with the comforting knowledge that one does n't have to drive home .
10 I have one in the bathroom for dirty washing , which doubles as a seat ; I have one in my bedroom for ironing and one in the other bedroom that holds all my sewing materials .
11 By saying that God ‘ transcends ’ the universe we are saying that none of the limitations that apply to finite life — such as being in a particular place — applies to God .
12 This of course is something I was aware of having witnessed a news conference with Miss Graf in mid-week , in which she very politely criticised her absent rivals saying that none of the top ranked players needed the vast amounts of money to be gained by playing in lucrative exhibition events .
13 Hong Kong officials were quoted as saying that none of the deportees , the first to be sent back since Patten 's arrival , had offered resistance .
14 All the patients with high pitted cell counts were currently drinking and none of the eight reformed drinkers ( five with biopsy proven cirrhosis ) had abnormal counts .
15 They 'd heard this awful racket you see and they 'd thought it was me coming and falling or something on the stairs .
16 Mr Dobson pledged to reduce coal imports in future , claiming that everyone in the industry in this country suffers because of it .
17 Sensing that something of the sort might be going through his mind , Lesley-Jane interposed , ‘ We were just talking about Micky 's death . ’
18 While stressing that nothing in the circular should be taken as condoning a wilful breach of planning law , there is a highly significant qualification :
19 Nicholson looked towards him , hoping that none of the visitors noticed the look of apprehension on his face .
20 Erm and people would n't know what to do , whether to leave the child at the bottom of the stairs and take the the shopping in or to leave the shopping and have er you know , er think it might go missing or something by the time they take the child and the buggy .
21 She had been so busy with her dress house in Rome , coping with her designer , planning for the future and ensuring that everyone in the business was kept happy — each of which seemed a full-time job in itself — that she had hardly had time to spare for her three children , let alone her mother .
22 Paul is declaring that none of the things we boast about , or trust in — intellect , upbringing , orthodoxy , good life , and so on — are vehicles of salvation .
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