Example sentences of "[v-ing] [conj] [v-ing] them [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Less practical is physical destruction like squashing or bashing them on the head .
2 The teddies were shouting , chivvying and bullying them off the pavement on to the road .
3 The red glow from the furnaces fell across the treadmills , turning the steel mesh to angry crimson , bathing the creatures inside them to eerie , unnatural life , blending and merging them with the machinery , until it was very nearly impossible to tell where the treadmills ended and the human creatures began …
4 Urgently Ramsay directed them , all but physically pushing and prodding them into the approximate shape of a great wedge .
5 You 'd think they would n't want to be seen in public ; but no , there they are , living it up , and my own daughter aiding and abetting them as if she were doing some thing clever .
6 He and Stephanie both always won Kim 's game , the objects on a tray , but whereas she remembered them for their quiddity , naming and denoting them in language in her mind , he did it with a geometrical map and total spatial recall .
7 Ever since his election as ARFU president in 1988 , French has been involved in many discussions with South African rugby officials assisting and advising them in their aim once again to be welcomed back into the international playing fraternity .
8 Your third option is to make up what you want by adding small decorative mouldings to plain stock , gluing and pinning them on as appropriate to create the cross-section you want .
9 The importance of locational specifications in general can be gauged from the fact that there seem to be two basic ways of referring to objects — by describing or naming them on the one hand , and by locating them on the other ( Lyons , 1977a : 648 ) .
10 On 6 March 1992 more than 35 agents of the Mobile Military Police cordoned off four blocks of Guatemala City and violently rounded up the street children , handcuffing and beating them before dumping them in a van and taking them to the 2nd precinct police station .
11 Social care in a group care setting covers the time spent talking with and listening to people , hearing their stories , nurturing and encouraging them in the effort to make sense of the later stages of life .
12 Even horses that appear to be asleep or resting , continue to change their weight from one hind foot to the other , to swish their tails , twitch an occasional muscle in their sides , and to keep their ears moving and informing them of what is happening all around .
13 No , fortunately the other companies are stand alone companies erm making erm you know making their own way , and they do n't have to fear erm Richard coming and stripping them of their hard earned earnings to put into the airline erm because erm you know because fortunately we 've got resources elsewhere to look after the airline and see its development through .
14 Conversely , it is thought that some employers will leap at the chance of employing enrolled nurses knowing or believing them to be a cheaper alternative in terms of pay .
15 Section 22(1) of the Theft Act 1968 stipulates : [ a ] person handles stolen goods if ( otherwise than in the course of the stealing ) knowing or believing them to be stolen goods he dishonestly receives the goods , or dishonestly undertakes or assists in their retention , removal , disposal or realisation by or for the benefit of another person , or if he arranges to do so .
16 It must be proved that the accused handled the goods " knowing or believing them to be stolen goods " and that he acted dishonestly .
17 Clause 172 is also redrafted to clarify the law and reads : [ a ] person is guilty of handling stolen goods if ( otherwise than in the course of the stealing ) knowing or believing them to be stolen goods , he dishonestly —
18 Processing items as soon as possible after soiling and/or submitting them to preliminary treatment .
19 Oriental dragons were not bloodthirsty like the Worms in England , and a pretty story tells us that the beautiful colours of autumn leaves are a result of a nearby dragon yawning and tinging them with his warm breath , before settling down to his winter hibernation .
20 Finding people and educating and training them without them being aware that it 's being done is very important .
21 In a busy laboratory large numbers of Petri dishes can accumulate quite rapidly and the most convenient and safest way of storing and retrieving them from the incubator is to stack the dishes on narrow Perspex trays which extend the depth of the incubator .
22 Digging them up for fuel or compost , or draining and ploughing them for farming and forestry , causes significant emissions of carbon dioxide to the air .
23 Then steam or boil the vegetables in a small amount of salted water , before draining and tossing them in melted butter .
24 The record at the LEA level is , as we have seen earlier , not a promising one , since LEAs have been much more effective at producing curriculum policies than at monitoring and implementing them at the school level .
25 Meanwhile , the only people making money' out of BBC programmes are the pirates , who are busily taping programmes ‘ off-air ’ , duplicating and selling them through shady shops and Middle Eastern outlets .
26 We have grown accustomed in political life to arguing about social and political institutions in a certain way : by attacking or defending them on grounds of justice or fairness .
27 Many of the great fortunes in this country are still in the hands of the landed aristocracy who tend to be preoccupied with maintaining their great estates and country houses , no doubt feeling that opening them to the public is in itself a form of patronage .
28 He engaged them with zest , stretching and testing them like a martial artist , to catalyse their own divine spark — just as he was later to do as the teacher , John Keating , in Dead Poets Society .
29 Immediately beside him Kegan was fussing with sheets of paper , arranging and rearranging them into neat aligned squares .
30 If there are good arguments for using video regularly as a carrier of lectures — sometimes the case in a programme which is repeated in several centres — then there may be equally good arguments for planning and recording them as video programmes .
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