Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] a [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 It 's like tumbling down a whole to your earholes from the start is n't it ?
2 In the cases that followed ( ie the disposal of the whole of the matrimonial home to the wife ( Chapter 3 ) ; a conveyance of the husband 's interest in the matrimonial home to the wife ( Chapter 4 ) ; and the conveyance of the husband 's interest in the matrimonial home to a third party ( Chapter 5 ) ) , once the husband had disposed of his interest no further tax considerations applied so far as the husband was concerned ( unless there was an element of gift involved in the conveyance not at arm 's length and the husband died within seven years , thus bringing in a charge to inheritance tax ) .
3 Formalities did not take long , and in no time they were riding upwards in the lift and then walking along a corridor to the door of Ven 's suite .
4 As Leader of the Opposition , in November 1965 he decided against signing personally a foreword to the report which it had been agreed should be published as a pamphlet by the Conservative Political Centre .
5 It normally takes six months from filling out a form to getting permission to emigrate .
6 There is a widely held view among many business experts that selling off a business to a management buy-out team is the easy way out and is not in the best interests of a company 's shareholders .
7 Other skills involved were the planning of time , the allocation of tasks , drawing up a questionnaire to be used to cover local facilities , telephoning and interviewing local licensees and decision-making in relation to the selection , organization and editing of information gathered .
8 Gradually they are building up a resistance to a sting that could otherwise kill them .
9 And tonight we lead the world in facing down a threat to decency and humanity .
10 He still maintains that he believes this , and makes a great show of sending off a manuscript to publishers down in London , trying to get them to publish a book expounding this view , but I know he 's just mischief-making again , and gets most of his pleasure from his acts of stunned disbelief and then righteous indignation when the manuscript is eventually returned .
11 And the sister was further surprised when , holding out a hand to Millie , it was not taken , but , instead , the child began to walk out before her , only to be brought to a stop by the nun saying , ‘ You must always ask Mother Superior if you may leave her presence .
12 The working party , which was headed by John McFarlane , managing director of Citibank UK , took the unusual step of sending out a questionnaire to 90 leading individuals from sectors with an interest in auditing — the business community , auditing firms , academics , regulators and major shareholders asking for their views on three key points : the concerns facing auditing today ; the action required to resolve those concerns ; and the future direction of auditing .
13 Where they repairing client , where there is hopefully an extremely good relationship , we felt that that was a bit dangerous to be sending out a form to the Chief Executive of saying what er do you think of the service .
14 Then someone she did like , Mr. Middlemass , the Document Examiner , with his jacket slung over his shoulders , leaping up the stairs three steps at a time and calling out a greeting to the desk .
15 From his response to the huge volume of encrypted data that Coleman was sending twice a week to his DIA number in Maryland , Donleavy was interested in his reports , not just for their own sake , but as a means of cross-checking the official inter-agency pooling of information by the DEA and CIA .
16 Ranetta Sen , 13 , was running along a corridor to her next class when she crashed into a wall and fell to the floor .
17 It is a question which is relevant at all levels , from taking on a gardener to employing a managing director , but there is a tendency to treat it merely as a formality .
18 A group representing families of the British victims marked the anniversary by handing in a petition to 10 Downing Street calling for a public inquiry .
19 Unlike some Poll Tax demonstrations , this one passed off without any violence , protestors were satisfied with handing in a petition to Mrs Thatcher 's front door .
20 The cable television industry is said to be leery of handing over a standard to a third party such as Microsoft Corp , which has teamed up with Intel Corp to develop a set-top control box based on the 80386 and Windows ; the 80386 is also regarded as underpowered for graphics work .
21 He spoke like a child who 'd found a way of handing over a responsibility to its parents .
22 He is probably known as Champagne Tom in the office , always breaking open a bottle of bubbly to celebrate handing over a fortune to another punter .
23 After handing over a tray to the absorbed , absent man behind the desk , Leonora ate her own sandwich at the kitchen counter , staring mutinously at the sunshine pouring through the window .
24 Theda cried , reaching out a hand to her .
25 Biting back a retort to the effect that it was doubtful if Campion Price would even recognise her , Gina said equably , ‘ I 'll try to fit a visit in . ’
26 But it points out that its representatives were in September already handing out a booklet to GPs ‘ which included the studies on elderly patients ’ reported to the Paris symposium .
27 If you 've been thinking about taking out a subscription to the Royal Horticultural Society , now 's the time to do it .
28 Before 1914 they would have been mainly peasant-workers commuting twice a year to the cities , gentry and their numerous domestic servants moving from their estates to town , kustari with their wares for sale , government servants , and the military , etc .
29 Mascis himself hides behind a curtain of hair , uttering barely a word to the audience all evening , letting his guitar do all the squealing and screeching , but always with a suggestion of melody .
30 The old stone walls closed about her , so that at times it seemed to be suffocatingly hot , and she found herself putting up a hand to her throat .
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