Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] a [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 N : Looking at my nappies hanging on a washing line in our kitchen
2 ‘ It 's redlining it at 6,000 , ’ he said , referring to the straining Tachometer , while firing down a bus lane in first gear at about forty .
3 Or a man with her husband 's build parading down a Paris runway in Calvin Klein 's latest skivvies .
4 The agency say they broke new ground by bringing together a drinks company and an existing client , the DoE , to sponsor a major anti-drinking and driving campaign .
5 Furthermore even in a fused profession , the barristers in chambers in the Inns of Court and elsewhere would undoubtedly enter into partnership as specialist trial advocates and do agency work for other solicitors , whose own staff were unable to act as advocates in every case or where the complexity of the case justified bringing in a specialist advocate .
6 But , er , so hopefully Michelle will get this next Tracey 's position , and obviously sort of in in the meantime and providing her position comes up they are bringing in a Telesales County Secretary , which was n't gon na come in for about a year cos they wanted to sort of like , trial it , but now they 've decided if that 's what they want the position to do erm it 'll probably happen in the next two months and they said for me to go for it from our division , so I said right , okay .
7 Harry was scarcely acquainted with his horse and could offer no reassurance ; neither did he think of bringing in a companion horse for the mare .
8 TITIA Sutherland 's OUT OF THE SHADOWS ( Black Swan £5.99 ) deals tenderly with the relationship of a girl and an ageing woman , as well as bringing in a ghost story and wartime tragedy .
9 Its origin , and its method of financing , almost inevitably led to it becoming effectively a horse infirmary .
10 She had no time to spare for embarrassment , due to shoes totally unsuitable for climbing down a cliff path .
11 A man driving down a country road is stopped , and a spike is driven into his head .
12 In A Landscape with Simple Figures , the teacher is advised first to demonstrate the drawing with charcoal on a large sheet of white paper ; the landscape , illustrating figures walking down a country road , is shown in the manual for her to copy .
13 Police Constable Harry Evans is driving along a country road when he sees strange lights in the sky and an object larger than a bus hovering in the road ahead of him .
14 Willie was in the town garage , giving good advice to someone stripping down a motor bike .
15 Yet governments ought to resist the temptation to dismiss peace movements as representing only a minority opinion , for it is in the nature of a wider but vaguer anxiety about the issue that it can hardly be organized or form the basis of a coherent campaign .
16 Relax deeply , then imagine yourself walking along a country lane .
17 How much could you guess about a conversation between two people walking along a country lane for example ?
18 In an experiment , leaf-cutter ants of the species Atta texana had to follow a trail by walking along a plastic roadway placed just above the trail ; they followed the trail as usual , but must have done so by the airborne odour of evaporated scent .
19 He was eaten by two one eyed tigers walking along a path arm in arm !
20 He banged her head backwards , knocking down a domino row of Christmas cards .
21 Two huntsmen have been jailed for two months for knocking down a hunt saboteur with a four wheeled buggy .
22 ‘ Give it back you thief , ’ he bawls after me , but I spurt ahead , knocking over a coupla kids who start bawling and bellyaching as well , but I do n't stop to investigate , because after all , I 'm doing them a favour , the sooner they learn that life is full of hard knocks the better .
23 He was pursued and caught , and would appear at Southend Magistrates ' Court charged with taking and driving away a Jaguar car without the owner 's consent from the Foulness road on Saturday afternoon .
24 But if you want to see the beauty of Corsica without worrying about driving over a cliff edge , try The Trembler .
25 Her mother was there , checking over a grocery order .
26 And really , it is surprising that a company such as Gay Sweatshop still finds a need to have a dyke in a dress suit and a queen in a fluffy frock bitching over a Judy Garland album .
27 ‘ It 's becoming just a fashion statement .
28 Out at the line-up , the three men were climbing over a routine thirty-five-footer when they heard screaming and the toot of car horns from the beach .
29 NATO will now plan opening up a land corridor to the beleaguered city of Sarajevo for armed relief convoys .
30 He managed to complete the last lap with a flourish in a little under a minute , opening up a 10-metre lead down the back straight .
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