Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He called out : ‘ I ca n't hold on any longer , ’ then fell straight on the ledge below , bounded out into the air , turning a somersault backwards , and pitching on to a grass projection some 30′ lower down …
2 Ferguson marked his return by latching on to an Alan Main clearance to beat Murdoch to the jump on the edge of the box , and head in the fourth .
3 Other behavioural strategies included eating slowly in a room away from the kitchen , preparing all food thoroughly before starting to eat , rather than eating standing up during cooking .
4 ‘ Yes , ’ Delaney finally said , hanging on to a handle to steady himself , ‘ only what were they working on ?
5 The Western was in its dying throes , but Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid in 1969 kept it hanging on by a thread .
6 It 's hanging on by a thread
7 She sensed that the barometer of their fraught relationship had plummeted to an all-time freeze and , at last , tormented beyond endurance , she stopped typing halfway through a schedule and went into his office .
8 Resting only for a second
9 Sadly , this makes all her high moral stances and her bonny sights of yesteryear come tumbling down like a house of cards .
10 They were extremely grateful to the Government for stepping in with a £140 rebate because they saw their aunts , uncles , friends , cousins and others elsewhere in the country paying a great deal less .
11 Across the emptying room another hurt mind had been at the same moment of time glanced by unwanted evocations of shabby Forest sheep nudging together in a brick shelter on a high road through the trees .
12 But it can equally be an ‘ invisible elbow ’ which brings the earth 's precarious ecological balance crashing down like a pile of cans in a supermarket .
13 Labour demanded his resignation after the LAS Board chairman , Jim Harris , announced he was stepping down as an inquiry blamed management failures over the £1.5 million computer-aided despatch system ( CAD ) .
14 Functionally it was an interlocking web of economic and social purpose of great imagination : a masterly bringing together of a number of town planning themes .
15 Banks are competing fiercely for a share of the slower-growing market .
16 Eric 's guitar sounded like two steel rail wagons clanging together in a Chicago freight yard at 4am .
17 Air and earth , she told herself again , her brows drawing together in a grimace .
18 Marie , sick and trembling , overwhelmed with fear and guilt at her own actions , was already kneeling down with a dustpan and brush , sweeping up the broken glass from the tomato-sauce bottle that had been on the table .
19 The perspective of the poem follows its language , tumbling suddenly into a burst of passion and emotion as the poet struggles to observe the forces that buffet him in the heart of his mind .
20 He saw Maud once in the Kurfûrstendamm , eating alone in a cafe and looking a little desolate , with a stack of coins already piled beside her plate although her meal had only just come .
21 There are occasions when the relationship between Voight 's big , blond , likeable dimwit , ludicrously decked out in cowboy gear , and Dustin 's small , greasy-haired , pallid , crippled down-and-outer is touchingly and humorously portrayed , particularly the moment when Buck 's face lights up on seeing an unshaven Ratso eating alone in a diner .
22 This is a formidable task even for a human navigator , but as we have found out in the past few years , the bees ' trigonometric adjustments are perfectly mindless , depending only on a memory of the Sun 's azimuth relative to the bee 's goal on the previous trip ( or day ) and an extrapolation of the Sun 's current rate of azimuth movement .
23 In the face of a petition such as this , backed by the signatures of 105 of Stockport 's most eminent and respected citizens , the Goldsmiths were in an awkward position , which they decided to resolve by re-reading Sir Edmond 's will , to see what the Founder himself had intended : a classical school ( teaching Greek and Latin ) , without fees or social distinctions , but depending only on a willingness to learn .
24 ‘ You always leave your hair hanging down like a hippy too , ’ he continued .
25 In commissioning St Paul 's , Covent Garden , the Earl of Bedford is reputed to have told his architect , Inigo Jones , that he wished the building to resemble a barn , and the interior of the church was indeed extremely simple , consisting only of a chancel and a nave without arcades .
26 It is to set up an ancillary file with the records in sequential key order and each record consisting only of a count field .
27 ‘ It 's probably only one of the local kids sneaking in for a look around , ’ Jessamy tried to reassure herself .
28 Again she felt overwhelmed with fatigue , but sly , lecherous images slunk into her mind , like a guilty dog sneaking in after a roll in something bad .
29 ‘ Fancy me working in a library again , ’ he said , one hand resting idly on a card index .
30 he told them he 'd stopped in the fast lane instead of moving to the hard shoulder because he did n't want to ruin his tyre by driving on after a puncture .
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