Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Secure the long bullrush leaves around the pond , sticking on with a little fondant .
2 The examination will be conducted by means of a cassette recording for dubbing on to the audio equipment at the Local Centre to achieve universal standards of dictation .
3 The examination will be conducted by means of a cassette recording for dubbing on to the audio equipment at the Local Centre to achieve universal standards of dictation .
4 The examination will be conducted by means of a cassette recording for dubbing on to the audio equipment at the Local Centre to achieve universal standards of dictation .
5 Adam ran crashing downhill in a narrow dark ride , almost into the arms of a man who came striding suddenly out of the bushes , sword in hand .
6 WORLD 500cc motorcycle champion Wayne Rainey is critical in hospital after crashing badly in the Italian Grand Prix at Misano .
7 He must have taken the bucket outside but when he returned Robyn was still struggling furiously with the unfamiliar catch .
8 Striker John Borthwick wasted his side 's best opportunity of the half , latching on to a loose ball on the edge of the Stoke penalty area and making space for himself , only to fire lamely at keeper Ronnie Sinclair .
9 But this has not stopped some librarians latching on to the high cost of conservation as a reason for dispersing valuable books .
10 The decapitated head spun like a ball in the air , lips still moving ; his trunk stood for a few seconds in its own fountain of hot red gore before crashing on to the blood-stained ice .
11 As we were stepping on to the adjoining barge , the man on the bench called out to us .
12 She paced up and down ; she went backwards and forwards to the windows , stepping on to the little balcony where they sat together in the afternoon sun , peering down the street .
13 He was suddenly seeing right into the crystalline spaces of the famous poem .
14 There follows the usual discussion on oppressed-minority self-detecting radar — Jewish , lesbian or otherwise — and some sniffing delicately around the problematical area of Israel , policies of and attitudes toward : Then Clint refers back to the books .
15 She did not consciously know that , with Luke 's swift co-operation , she had rid him of his tie , nor that she was left unaided to tear at his shirt buttons with frantic fingers ; and it was only through her senses that she knew when she came to hard flesh and soft springy hair , her palm sliding damply over his chest , fingers catching luxuriously in the light tangle of hair covering it .
16 Then hoofbeats pounded to Sharpe 's left and he saw another French officer galloping furiously down the high road .
17 However , although Professor Plumb suggests the participation of " better-off " tradesmen he clearly sees the leisure industry as catering mostly for the expanding and increasingly prosperous middle class .
18 I confess I can not really see worm watching catching on as a mass pursuit with worm watcher clubs and organised field visits , but I did hear of an infants ' school where the worm has joined the tadpole as a creature for study .
19 But trampolining wo n't be catching on with the other animals .
20 Another powerful reason why improved mud buildings are not catching on in the tropical Third World is that for poor families , housing is not the first priority .
21 There is clearly mutual benefit to be gained from this acquisition , for both our UK and US companies , and we look forward to this area of our business competing effectively on an international basis . ’
22 It was like hanging on to a wriggly eel .
23 A determined show of political resistance from Mr Yeltsin and his supporters in other republics might help convince many old-fashioned Russian nationalists that hanging on to the Baltic republics is not worth a fight .
24 Standing stork-like and hanging on to the various bathroom fittings , she cleaned her teeth and made a reasonable toilet .
25 I will definitely be hanging on to the sweat-stained handkerchief that Tom Jones tossed to my mother back in the Sixties .
26 There may be more security in hanging on to the old and acquiring something new as well .
27 At the beginning , although I felt that I wanted to get better , I was hanging on to the secure feeling that being ill brought .
28 Delegates placed an overriding emphasis on hanging on to the foreign investment the country has ; on winning back firms wooed away to the Third World ; and on finding new customers .
29 For high earners , the £75,000 cap is probably the strongest argument for hanging on to an existing Section 226 policy , since such policies are not affected by the earnings limit .
30 THERE was much early enthusiasm from both sides in this senior friendly at Hamilton Park with visitors Portadown just hanging on for a narrow victory .
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