Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pron] out for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At her worst , on the third night , faint from lack of food , her throat parched with thirst , she had a crazy idea that the storm was singling her out for punishment , was expending its venom to get at her .
2 Our prime purpose is to glorify God in reaching men and women for Christ , building them up in Christ , and sending them out for Christ .
3 People really do have to understand the trauma we are talking about with moving people out of homes , the trauma that moving them out for refurbishment is bad enough .
4 The trouble is he 's wearing it out for Christopher so you wo n't see the new one .
5 ‘ Accept the letter then , Miss , ’ the older man insisted , holding it out for Beth to take .
6 ‘ I 'm taking you out for lunch , darlin' .
7 He 's taking her out for meals and they 're having a good time together you know .
8 Yes , well there is another man and she 's told Paul frankly she 's lapping up the attention , he 's taking her out for meals and their having a good time together you know , why its great , but as soon as he 's paid for , for the goods and got , got the goods , the chaps going to go off looking for another .
9 ‘ I did have my right nipple pierced , but I had to keep taking it out for films , so it kept healing up .
10 ‘ They were taking us out for meals .
11 In the absence of any other guidelines it is best to start the design of the artwork by defining the above factors , perhaps listing them out for reference .
12 During the late 1920s and early 1930s when John Maynard Keynes ( 1883–1946 ) was working out a new economic system where government intervention would stabilise the negative effects of free enterprise — low investment , acute unemployment — individualist man and collectivist man were fighting it out for supremacy .
13 The analogue armoury on here is fearsome , and doubtless his dad has got a huge record collection so he 'll be churning them out for ages yet and we might as well get used to it .
14 They 'll be in action at the Delta Tennis Centre , battling it out for £5,500 in prize money .
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