Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pron] in [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The role of the museum is to present the collection in a fresh way , both showing unfamiliar paintings and hanging them in natural light ’ .
2 Exporters can raise prices in sterling terms ( so maintaining them in foreign currency terms ) without losing competitiveness .
3 You are already familiar with the mathematical operations curl , div , and grad ( I prefer using them in vector-operator form ) , and you need no introduction to the concepts of electricity .
4 They raced onto the platform , followed a minute or two later by a panting Naseby , only to see the railway train , now bearing Miss Throgmorton , steaming slowly away , enveloping them in white smoke .
5 WCS is also useful for testing micro-instruction sequences , before lacing them in read-only storage for permanent use .
6 She had always tried to emulate Isabelle , too , in buying the best clothes she could afford , and keeping them in pristine condition , making sure she was well-groomed at all times .
7 Men believed in mastery over women , keeping them in protective custody .
8 I had worked hard while I was on Amantani , reconstructing the bones of my experiences without the satisfaction of cradling them in apposite language .
9 It involved thrusting a lighted taper into little glass jars and applying them in great haste to Jean-Claude 's back , which would bubble up under them in balloons of skin .
10 Then steam or boil the vegetables in a small amount of salted water , before draining and tossing them in melted butter .
11 All at once , Melanie was back home and swathing herself in diaphanous veiling before a mirror .
12 Seating herself in solitary splendour , avoiding the accusing glances of his ancestors , she thankfully started on the thick vegetable soup , which , despite Feargal 's derogatory remarks about Mary and Rose , was excellent .
13 ‘ Just keeping him in good condition for you , darling . ’
14 Mutinously she flicked her gaze back to where he was surveying her in stony silence .
15 Then Edgar appears , disguised as a poor knight whose ‘ name is lost ; /By treason 's tooth bare-gnawn , and canker-bit ’ ( 121f. ) , and by defeating him in single combat , completes the exposure of Edmund , the bastard being displayed as a hypocrite and pretender ( 162–74 ) , who in a fair contest — according to Renaissance optimism about the superiority of right — is bound to be defeated by the legitimate .
16 If bandage-type insulation is used , start at the tank and tie the first wrap , pressing it in close contact with the tank
17 Which is just as well because some of them have played just a little bit too hard , landing themselves in serious trouble .
18 In stressing this aspect , Marx and Engles were basing themselves in great part on the excellent description that Morgan had supplied for the matrilineal descent groups of the Iroquois , and , in his stress on the community aspect of descent groups , Morgan has been in many ways supported by later work .
19 A more extreme tactic is to start addressing them in similar vein — using ‘ my dear ’ or something worse back ( at a seminar I attended , ‘ baby ’ was suggested … but if it 's your boss you 're dealing with you may need to decide whether your job 's worth it ) .
20 While I was still gazing into the water basin , the doctor then covered me with blankets , enclosing me in total darkness .
21 Though engrossed in picking his teeth with a match he gave me a long appraising stare before addressing me in rich cockney .
22 He worked frantically to help the casualties , tearing up what was left of his linen for bandages and soaking them in olive oil and wax to apply to bums .
23 It will be best to distribute the strings evenly throughout the texture by writing them in extended harmony ( with occasional double-stops when these are easily manageable ) .
24 Drain and refresh immediately by steeping them in cold water .
25 Another foresees a more conservative role for the middle class , expressing itself in active opposition to socialism as a process of increasing public ownership or control of industry and expanding welfare services , and in a reassertion of the desirability of a more laissez-faire type of economy .
26 Close your eyes and you just ca n't help imagining him in Dirty Dancing .
27 All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the faith and correcting error , for re-setting the direction of man 's life and training him in good living .
28 Beyond that size , you would be paying more in compensation for the loss of marginal benefit of another inch than you would be saving yourself in reduced cost of the externality .
29 Surrounding them in vaulted stone and glass , wood and gorgeous cloth , were millions of man-hours of work .
30 It is worth photocopying the more useful reading lists , and filing them in classified order in a pamphlet bibliography collection .
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