Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] [prep] [pos pn] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The final " Dawn " sequence then has the effect both of a reprise , closing the musical form , and of an ironic comment on the human tragedy which , when it is taken out of the public arena into the privacy of Grimes 's mind , actually passes out of the consciousness and memory of those who , only a few hours before , have been clamouring loudest for its execution .
2 He was up on the podium , still a bit pale and puffy , but recovering gamely from her suicide .
3 Sadie 's bin givin' me the bloody ‘ ump the way she 's bin goin' on about our Billy .
4 ‘ Here 's me goin' on about my life , and you have n't told me about yours .
5 Drawing nervously on his cigarette , a uniformed guard said : ‘ What shall I say ?
6 Male peasants in the fields wear their distinctive broad-brimmed straw hats , with their coats hanging loosely over their shoulders .
7 The form begins with the practitioner standing naturally , his feet shoulder-width apart and his arms hanging loosely by his side .
8 As the ground drifted up he saw the barbarian standing stock still , chest heaving , arms hanging loosely by his sides .
9 There was the largest hornets ' nest he had ever seen , hanging right in his path .
10 But it is the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall which is benefitting most from her zest and drive .
11 And , I was prattling on to your dad , saying when we claimed it back when we claimed it back we 'll bring it early but
12 … which is not until Act 5 , when the poet re-enters briefly , prattling on to his captors ' exasperation .
13 Their eyes locked together for an instant , and she felt as though he was seeing right into her soul , into bits of her that no one had ever seen before .
14 It is common for them to drown in heavy rain because they stand gazing skyward with their beaks open to see where the rain is coming from .
15 " Well , could it be , sir , " I broached , leafing furiously through my dictionary , " that since this is the last Big One it might be , er , acceptable to send these sixty houses to the stars with — his Highness , your dad ? "
16 Fei Yen was looking down , the p'ip'a resting loosely against her breasts , her whole frame bent forward , as if she had emptied herself with the song .
17 A crossed legged position may be adopted if you are accustomed to this position , otherwise sit in a straight-backed chair with your feet firmly on the ground and your hands resting loosely in your lap .
18 Hanging on to her temper , and , it had to be admitted , her rioting feelings , with an effort , she retorted , ‘ To someone like you , perhaps .
19 ‘ I have n't any serious plans to marry him , if that 's what you 're asking , ’ she told him as levelly as she could , and had the hardest work in the world in hanging on to her temper when his glance flicked from her through the open door into her sitting-room .
20 They glanced at Tabitha encumbered with Perks , forcing their claws from her arms , standing on one foot trying to shake one that was hanging on to her leg .
21 Sister explained to me , ‘ The poor old dear 's in a fine twitter as she thought the bus was stopping , not starting — ’ Sister shot off to meet an anxious young woman with a baby in her arms and a small tearful boy hanging on to her skirt .
22 Kneeling over her lower body , his belly hanging on to her knees , he began gently to cut off her panties .
23 And please let them be hanging on to their gossip and porter .
24 It 's true that more people are hanging on to their cars and strangel ; y not paying for their servicing .
25 Shifty-Eyes could n't do much about it as I was hanging on to his foot .
26 Schellenberg , who felt that he was only hanging on to his sanity by his fingernails , said , ‘ But , Reichsführer , what if Devlin does n't wish to be persuaded ? ’
27 He swung himself astride the dragon awkwardly , because Rincewind was hanging on to his belt .
28 There 's this man and woman walking by with lots of shopping bags and a little boy hanging on to his Dad 's belt .
29 He kept rolling , still hanging on to his weapons , and fell over the front of the Jeep and on to the pavement outside .
30 Meanwhile , Jim Courier was last night hanging on to his world No 1 ranking and survival in the $2.5m IBM ATP World Championships by his finger tips .
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