Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pron] [noun pl] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He was ushered forward after cooling his heels for four minutes .
2 But Michael Barnes is keeping his plans for that celebration time secret — the most important thing right now is getting the Opera House all lit up again for Jack and the Beanstalk .
3 The Government has had to stop indexing their pensions for some years now .
4 I was amazed to realise that some of them had been using their machines for five years and had no idea of the machines capabilities because all the instructions are written in either English , Spanish or Japanese ; nothing in Thai .
5 Throughout his book , Anger patiently exhumes the sordid remains of dead film stars , robbing their graves for any evidence that might undermine the official stories that the Hollywood studio system revealed to an adoring public .
6 People are saving their resources for other basic needs .
7 Thus the " widowed queens " on one side and the " dead kings " on the other raced each other violently through the rice-paddies , bouncing their burdens for all they were worth , while screaming obscene abuse and exhortations to each other .
8 The Council is proud of the contribution it has made to business life since 1931 and aims to continue serving its members for many years to come .
9 His supporters prevented the SPD from writing their ideas for social and economic change into the Basic Law , defeated SPD hopes for a more centralised government and later ( in November 1949 ) ensured that Beethoven 's birthplace , Bonn , would be the capital of the new Republic .
10 Indeed , the Worldwide Fund for Nature has recently been criticised in the tabloid press for allegedly misleading its supporters for this reason .
11 Adolph Hitler published , in Germany , the first volume of his book called Mein Kampf detailing his aspirations for complete German nationalisation , in 1925 .
12 She was screaming and waggling her legs for all she was worth , but the cruel loops of nylon had her about the wrists , the kite was in the jaws of the wind , and she was already well out of reach even if I had wanted to catch her .
13 And this will assist the fragmentation around the imagined absoluteness of ethnic differences upon which both the New Right and the ‘ cultural nationalists ’ from the ethnic minorities have been premising their demands for cultural separatism in education ( cf.
14 By 1948 , 36 manufacturers ( including EMI , GEC and Marconi in Britain , and Philips in the Netherlands ) were paying him royalties for domestic radio sets .
15 By then La Rotonde , which had opened in 1911 , had become the place for artists to meet , and every morning Nina met Modi selling his drawings for five francs ( although in bad times he reduced the price to three francs ) .
16 Norris ' ideas seem highly plausible and if this amazing and beautiful process is a correct understanding of part of the physical aspects of the dolphin 's 3-D sonar system , it also explains why they move their heads from side to side while they are emitting their characteristic echo-locating clicks — they are simply scanning their targets for angular , 3-D information .
17 But this made the Department and ministers once again vulnerable to charges of abdicating their responsibilities for financial and policy goals .
18 The parents did not escape criticism : " the attendance of many of the boys was very far from satisfactory , parents having largely contracted habits of great laxity in absenting their children for trifling reasons " .
19 The regulations do not impose any specific requirements on how local education authorities should treat people ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom when considering their applications for discretionary awards .
20 Davidson added that Somerset has about four cases to hear next week which means that Chilcott is left kicking his heels for another seven days .
21 Last but not least the two Gary 's in midfield have been brilliant — Mac looking assured and displaying his talents for all to see — he has really blossomed when Strach 's not been playing and Speedy has scored some important goals and displayed his prowess at getting forward .
22 The inventory of the museum 's contents that he drew up with such meticulous care , accompanying his sections for each room with an admirable sketch showing the location of each item , remained in use and he catalogued the museum 's large collection of drawings by Robert Adam [ q.v . ] .
23 No one wants to see students forced to abandon their studies for financial reasons and no one wants to see students in hardship , but I do not believe that students are abandoning their studies for financial reasons .
24 Behind the scenes efforts were being made to broaden the party 's appeal by strengthening its policies for social reform , the essential counterpoint to the theme of tariffs .
25 There was quite a scrum of people at the bar giving their orders for large post-prandial brandies and ports and the commissionaire waved me through .
26 Giving her reasons for that the mother said that she wished access to be resumed at some point in the future , that D remembered her as the natural mother , and there was a bond between them which would be cut off or damaged by adoption .
27 Instead this aspiring England squad , many of who will be hoping to fill the gaps left by the ‘ Dad 's Army ’ veterans as well as challenge for British Lions places next summer , will be cutting their teeth for such momentous challenges on lowly provincial opposition like Wairarapa-Bush and Wanganui .
28 Patten rap : China today unleashed a fresh attack on Hong Kong governor Chris Patten , saying his proposals for more democracy in the colony that returns to Peking 's rule in 1997 can never be accepted .
29 In his introduction to the Annual Review , Dr Eyre stressed the importance of strengthening our opportunities for new business by forming commercial partnerships by acquisition and joint ventures .
30 Rushing about the Rante , attached like Siamese twins by a synch-pulse cable , tripping over and swearing at each other , burying our heads for mysterious minutes in black film-changing bags , endlessly sticking our noses into other people 's business was a cause for considerable levity amongst the participants .
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