Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] him [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 There was Leningrad , his father in his uniform kneeling by his side and explaining to him how quickly the waters of the Neva flowed , flowed into the Gulf of Finland .
2 His father was looking at him keenly now .
3 He felt foolish as he looked at Molly who was on all fours amongst the pine needles looking at him in open mouthed amazement .
4 She was looking at him very intently .
5 ‘ Caspar , ’ said Fenella , looking at him very intently .
6 She 'd thought before that he seemed used to power , and looking at him now only served to strengthen that feeling .
7 Harding was looking at him now all right , voice shaking as he fought for control : ‘ Firstly …
8 The way things are going for him right now , he would grab a hat-trick if he played up front .
9 Cowley never looked anything less than dapper , in his long black greatcoat , bowler hat on head , umbrella carried over left arm , despite the chauffeured car that was waiting for him not more than a hundred yards away .
10 And it was then that she saw Christie Goldsborough coming towards her along the path , his spectacular , fur-lined driving-cape swinging loose around his shoulders , his feet encased in the finest quality leather , his carriage — a shiny , high-perch sporting phaeton — waiting for him just there , in the road beyond the church wall , whenever he had a mind to take the reins in his gloved hands and go dashing off to drink champagne and eat bride-cake at Frizingley Hall .
11 Anger was rippling through him so fiercely that his whole body seemed to be shivering uncontrollably .
12 I had often rehearsed the choice phrases which I would use on this very occasion but the sight of the animal restrained me ; if he had come to consult me professionally I could hardly start pitching into him right away .
13 His formal title was commander of the Special Security Unit , and he was the shadow of the Shah , travelling with him almost everywhere he went .
14 Momentarily blinded by the eye-searing blaze of the ignited flare , Grant sensed the avenging form of his adversary closing on him once more .
15 We must now wait to discover how much Maynard relishes the captain 's job , coming to him much earlier than he can have imagined , and whether — as in the case of Morris back in 1989 — it affects his form and composure .
16 Sabine freed her hands from his , staring at him almost dazedly .
17 He was unfastening the waist of his trousers now , having kicked shoes and socks under a chair , and in helpless fury she bent down to snatch the damp towel from the floor , wrenching it round herself and jumping down from the bed , glaring at him so ferociously that he suddenly burst out laughing .
18 In now I was reading about him pretty recently
19 He though that we had grown apart from him and he became upset that none of us were around him any more , talking to him any more .
20 Mrs Goreng was talking to him quite normally .
21 That 's just about it from us for tonight … apart from to say that the film star Warren Beatty is in the region and we 'll be talking to him in tomorrow night 's programme …
22 Oh he 's terrible there , he even had them he had young girls working for him up there , and they found out they were paying he was paying them too little and then he got caught up with 'em , and erm what he done after he charged for taking them up there in the morning and charged 'em for taking them down in the evening with a Land Rover .
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