Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] an [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Later we explained about the difficulties of being a single parent ; of financial strain , of the unsatisfactory life for a young child of being in a day-nursery from early morning till evening , and returning with an exhausted and lonely mother to a one-roomed flat .
2 It suddenly moved , walking in an uncoordinated and jerking movement , straight towards her .
3 His lack of sleep was contributing to an irrational but lingering fear that the Prince of Wales might also drop dead .
4 Although working people are now more likely to be contributing to an occupational or personal pension , even in future years not all people will have been able to accumulate sufficient provision to support themselves in retirement — for example those people who have not worked for many years because they were unemployed or disabled or caring for relatives .
5 He was still looking through an old but faithfully-kept scrapbook .
6 I 'm a tall , dark , athletic male lookIng for an attractive and lonely female to give loads of affection to , and to put the sparkle into her beautiful eyes .
7 If you 're looking for an interesting and approachable background book on life in Britain to use with your class , look no further than Spotlight on Britain .
8 People who devote their lives to looking after an elderly or disabled relative or friend are again demanding more support from the government .
9 For those of you currently looking after an ill or disabled relative , the Benefits Agency — the DSS to you and me — has issued a new leaflet .
10 The highest achievement a human being can aspire to is to become centred in the intuitive mind , guided and supported by our inner teacher and listening with an aware and practised inner ear .
11 There seems no doubt , however , that whatever developments take place because of the efforts of Philips and its Japanese associates , much of the initial impetus for CD-I will come from music-based materials , tapping into an established and seemingly unending vein of demand .
12 The British legal system is already in a bit of a sorry state but this is only part of the story because we are faced with a creaking Government bureaucracy that has often been shown by the Higher Courts to be acting in an illegal and unfair manner .
13 But as the chill of doubt takes hold , underpinned by Lincoln 's development from an enchanting small boy into an adolescent from hell , Carroll 's novel abruptly veers off the rails , lurching from an interesting and astute study of an ordinary man faced with a monstrous moral dilemma into a considerably less interesting fantasy about ( I think ) cyclical existence and reincarnation .
14 If they do , they are operating on an ignorant and irrational basis .
15 It is perhaps more exciting , however , to leave one 's discoveries to chance ; thee can be great satisfaction in wandering round an old country church and suddenly stumbling across an 18th or 19th-century Persian rug that no one has recognized before .
16 There will be a handful of players operating at an international or ‘ multilocal ’ level , exploiting the benefits of size through the transfer of knowledge and resources and the efficient use of capital .
17 This conclusion is as pertinent to women caring for an elderly or disabled person as it is to their sisters caring for young , able-bodied children .
18 I am to remain ill and without treatment , I am to carry on with the exhausting task of caring for an old and senile woman . ’
19 Cost is one of the major factors for churches in deciding between an electronic and a pipe instrument .
20 In all of this Ho Chi Minh is to be seen bobbing about like a cork on the tides of international communism , sometimes lost from sight for long periods , surviving life in Stalin 's Russia and the manifest uncertainties of the purges and , when war broke out , still remaining as an experienced if not entirely successful figure in the communist world and a distant although still immanent leader of Vietnamese communism .
21 It was like , it was like a , like they were waiting for an offside or some there were just could n't believe , it was
22 Instead what seems to have happened is that groups of adults have sat around in various political and educational ivory towers , deciding in an arbitrary and subjective manner what they think a 14-year-old should be able to achieve .
23 The ‘ Jack Aubrey ’ sequence — broad and bold in humour , sophisticated in narrative techniques , sardonic in tone , politically alert — is designed for adult readers with somewhat different expectations from those who , during the thirty years between 1937 and 1967 and afterwards , followed the fortunes of C. S. Forester 's Horatio Hornblower in a series of novels describing in an inconsecutive but neatly planned order his career in the navy of the Napoleonic period from midshipman to admiral .
24 These are fictions about experimenting with an impecunious and occasionally feckless life of adventure , and then giving it up .
25 A resolution condemning the Iraqi invasion , calling for an immediate and unconditional withdrawal , and rejecting any foreign intervention was endorsed by 14 of the 21 Arab League member countries and was opposed by six ( Iraq , Jordan , Mauritania , Sudan , Yemen and the PLO ) .
26 The Geneva Conference on Disarmament re-opened on Jan. 22 with delegates calling for an urgent and comprehensive ban on the use of chemical weapons .
27 It 's also wise to be aware of the differences of buying as an individual and buying as a business .
28 Giant hogweed ( Heracleum mantegazzianum ) starts to grow , aiming for an enormous and intensely irritating presence by midsummer .
29 And manager David Hughes said : ‘ He is bowling like an express and swinging it ’ .
30 ‘ Younger stylists are also under the impression that they 're getting into an exciting and glamorous business , ’ said Trevor .
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