Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] the [noun sg] just " in BNC.

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1 He was walking towards the door just as Rose came bustling out .
2 Cleveland county councillor Peter Hayden , who represents Brotton , said : ‘ I have heard two women were walking under the bridge just minutes before .
3 That incident led to the man absconding from the prison just weeks before his sentence was due to end .
4 It had grown stale and ugly and he 'd left the Party the first time they sent the tanks in , but he did n't stop believing in the dream , the illusion , the myth , any more than he stopped believing in the Devil just because he did n't think there was a God .
5 Figure 9.2 shows the variation of the attenuation constant α and phase shift β with the parameter u according to the theory just presented .
6 Kittiwakes and guillemots are the most numerous , nesting on precarious ledges , swirling in the air near the cliffs or swimming on the sea just offshore .
7 There is a school — the old school , you might say — that advocates the making of a court bouillon , cooling that , immersing your salmon in it , then going through the process just described .
8 erm One pretends that one 's wife is going into the shop just for ten , you know for just three minutes , or that there is a baker 's van delivering stuff at nine , nine o'clock in the morning .
9 They all agreed to this , and they became so occupied looking for ivy on the walls alongside the lane that they did n't see two boys suddenly come racing round the bend just by Miss Miggs 's cottage .
10 Both times it was retrieved but in 1966 , while it was lying in the field just three days before it was due to be raised , the top half was stolen by a gang from Aberford again .
11 I had in mind the possibility of a UK registered Concorde crashing into the sea just outside the three mile limit of some State while making an approach to land there and possibly the Russians or some of their friends commencing to salvage it before we could do anything about it .
12 It is worth skipping through the rest just to read them , but their bearing on the story proper — Belbo is a man who missed his moment , and conspiracy theory is the refuge of the disappointed — is specious .
13 The above example of a minimax punishment strategy was not subgame perfect because , in the subgame beginning in the period just after a defection , the minimax choices did not constitute a Nash equilibrium .
14 ‘ All naturists are very warm people and there 's friendship in belonging to the club just like any other . ’
15 There 's a dance culture and lifestyle in Swindon bubbling under the surface just waiting for recognition .
16 ‘ You get people in tears coming into the pub just because they have got here at last .
17 This could be discreetly boost ed by concealed uplights in corners , or by strip lights running round the room just below the ceiling and concealed by a pelmet or valance .
18 You add suffering to the world just as much when you take offence as when you give offence .
19 Coming down the lane just now — yes , she walked from the station — she mistook Upmeadow Farm for this cottage ; just as we did , you remember .
20 But she usually heard him creep in , however late it was , and came scratching on the door just as he had got his trousers off , or just as he was scraping her uneaten steak-and-kidney pie into a polythene bag to throw away at the office next day .
21 As you improve , instead of riding in a straight line along a wave you start manoeuvring by footsteering on the wave just as surfers do .
22 I only just managed to get it down before bolting from the tent just in time to get rid of the contents of my stomach .
23 I just last night falling in the bed just
24 Taff was sitting on the grass just outside the trench , cleaning the Bren gun as I approached .
25 After breakfast I decided to visit Brigade H.Q Taff was sitting on the grass just outside the trench cleaning his Bren gun .
26 But Derek and I both made mistakes at first ; simple things really , such as accidentally standing on the creance just as the bird came across , so that the poor thing got dumped .
27 They were standing on the terrace just before lunch , watching the shrinking white mantle that had covered the slopes for the last two days , when a dark shape moving fast appeared further up the valley .
28 Norman was called upon , he was standing on the rock just behind Issaacs , swaying on his hips in that way he has , with his face turned up to the night .
29 He stared defiantly at Ellen who , standing at the stern just above Wavebreaker 's swimming platform , nodded back very coolly .
30 A junior C.O. called Robin Armstrong and a long , lanky student with a brown beatle-cut were leaning against the wall just inside the doorway .
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