Example sentences of "[v-ing] [art] [noun] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Forecasting the Demand for Higher Education
2 The plebiscitary acclamation which could always be mobilized by Hitler provided him with an unassailable base of popularity , and as such offered the regime legitimation both within Germany and in the eyes of foreign powers , allowing the scope for further mobilization and a gathering momentum of Nazi policy .
3 Belgium and Luxembourg on March 2 , 1990 , abolished the dual exchange rate used within their monetary union which pegged the Luxembourg-Belgian franc for current commercial transactions while allowing the rate for financial transactions to float freely .
4 The 1985 Report on Social Attitudes found that the most highly valued method of taking personal action against an unjust law being considered was to write to the local MP and , although the importance of contacting the media for this purpose has increased , the 1986 report found ‘ a widespread and growing self confidence on the part of the electorate to try to bring influence to bear on Parliament ’ .
5 The above plans for public spending are an integral part of the government 's medium-term financial strategy aimed at reducing inflation and maintaining the conditions for sustained growth , the creation of jobs and higher living standards .
6 She should now aim to be 1 lb ( 0.5 kg ) below her starting weight on most days ; she should reduce sugar on cereal to just one teaspoon ; she should use less meat when making up meat meals like stews , using more vegetables instead ( this is as well , of course , as maintaining the goal for fat reduction from Week 1 ) ; she should have salted meat or salted fish only three times a week in total ( you will remember that salt goals last for two weeks each ) ; she should have one or two pieces of fresh fruit each day ( this is as well as the goal for Week 1 , having pulses with one meal each day ) ; she should have a brisk twenty-minute walk each day .
7 But we are determined to play our part in maintaining the momentum for closer co-operation to build a stronger European economy , to extend social justice , to preserve the environment , and to deepen our democracy .
8 It 's maintaining the diet for longer and keeping the weight off which is the tricky part .
9 Sukarno regained importance as consensus figure : ‘ If it should ever turn out that Sjahrir is not maintaining the demand for 100 per cent Merdeka … then I have the right to dismiss him ’ , he told a wildly cheering crowd on 17 February 1946 .
10 The option of maintaining the hospitals for any significant strategic period was simply untenable .
11 Dr Benjamin Spock points out , however , that if an angry mother refrains from spanking she may show her irritation in other ways , for instance , by nagging the child for half the day or trying to make him feel deeply guilty .
12 The company is busily registering Digivision as a trade name around the world , but has found that a small British firm is already using the name for electronic equipment .
13 The present concern for sport as polling day approaches is typical of how politicians are adept at using the subject for short-term gain while ignoring its long-term problems .
14 Moscow 's last remaining forest , in the Losinskii Ostrov National Park , is being cut down by the city 's hungry , who are using the land for illegal potato growing .
15 Within the context of current agricultural policies there are sound economic and social reasons for abandoning farming altogether over large areas of the uplands and using the land for other purposes which would both be profitable and create employment .
16 In the present case , when this was attempted using the figures for total publications by thesis authors in the present study , Figure 12 was obtained .
17 In the present case , when this was attempted using the figures for total publications by thesis authors in the present study , Figure 12 was obtained .
18 It was only in 1946 that he came up with a practical scheme for using the manyattas for higher purposes .
19 The rectoanal inhibitory reflex was measured using the threshold for internal sphincter relaxation ( smallest volume of rectal distension producing a relaxation of at least 3 mm Hg ) .
20 The smugglers were taking a chance in using the Dunlin for this type of passage in mid-winter as she was hardly built for open sea work although she was sound enough .
21 Are you sure your boss does n't mind your using the telephone for personal calls ?
22 Most modules , however , are not designed to operate in this manner and rely on the students themselves using the module for different purposes .
23 The librarian had to carefully plan aspects of the project , in which the students would create their own information database on local pubs and clubs using the MICROVIEWDATA software , to cover aspects such as the involvement of other staff , the amount of supervision needed by students , the appropriateness of using the software for this kind of information i.e. was the project information-led or technology-led ?
24 This is the authority which has not increased school meal prices for 11 years , since 1981 ; it has been expelled from the Museums Association for selling pictures and using the money for non-museum purposes — and so on , and so on , and so on .
25 I 've been using the Strats for four or five years ; it 's nice to have that more defined sound , and more variety of tone than the Ibanez and Gibsons I used to use .
26 ‘ We will be mainly using the NGV for visiting householders in the Bristol and Avon area who qualify for home improvement grants under the government 's Home Efficiency Energy Scheme . ’
27 This has been attempted with some success using the gene for human factor IX , though synthesis continues for only a short time , and immune response in the mouse receipients proved a problem .
28 Using the formula for linear interpolation , our linear approximation for rm is rm= 12.58 per cent , the same as the exact solution .
29 All this would seem to cast some doubt on the idea that in using the language for communicative purposes , the learner automatically and without other instruction internalizes the detailed knowledge of language as a generative system available for general use .
30 The genetic distance between [ Oct-11b and Bcl-2 ] and En-1 was calculated using the data for Bcl-2 and En1 ] .
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