Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] his [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 Gaston , however , disposed of the latest invaders and then commemorated his double success over the heathens by incorporating into his portal the figures of two Saracens in chains and oriental costume , to be seen still hunched submissively at the foot of the central pillar of the doorway as if having to bear all its weight .
2 He tells us that as Jesus was praying before his baptism the Spirit came upon him .
3 On returning to his office the following Monday , Mark was surprised to find that it was now occupied by visiting American auditors .
4 On returning to his studio the drawing was turned over and he would go over the marks of the original drawing visible through the paper .
5 He had crossed the ride and was looking for his dog the other side .
6 Merger with the Southampton based British Seafarers was not merely a convenience , but a necessity , and Wilson , writing in his journal The Seaman exulted that " Shinwell 's patched up old derelict has run bow against the rock of the Sailors ' and Firemen 's Union and ignominiously gone to the bottom " Later he gave his own version of how Shinwell had flattered the susceptible French into leaving to him the day-today business of the Glasgow branch and poisoned the minds of the members against him .
7 Abbot Ælfric stressed Christ 's humility , describing in his homily The Exaltation of the Holy Cross how an angel reminded the seventh-century Byzantine emperor Heraclius that he " would not encircle his head with a golden crown , but with one of thorns " , and that before the crucifixion " he was not clothed in purple , nor adorned with a royal crown , nor rode he … upon a horse but upon the back of an ass " .
8 ‘ It was quick , ’ Pie said , glancing across at Estabrook and confirming in his glance the suspicion that he was the orphan-maker .
9 Next time he came on one of these recces he would bring a bag for these trophies , but the chinagraph pencil had worked well in noting on his slate the depths of water and the position of that false beach .
10 He was not going to forgo the opportunity of adding to his music the force of his words .
11 The radiance of jade and the crystal clarity of water are the qualities mentioned by Xu Jing , Chinese ambassador to Korea in the twelfth century , in describing to his emperor the stoneware produced in that country .
12 There was an uncomfortable pause while they both thought of Pascoe in his enforced retirement , watching the river flow by his garden and reliving in his mind the wretched end to his career .
13 This lot have been brought into the barn for a rest , ’ indicating with his hand the others who had by this time fallen asleep , oblivious to the noise of the guns and the explosions very close to the barn .
14 ‘ Jump aboard , Piper , ’ he said , ‘ and let's get ahead of that lot , ’ indicating with his arm the direction of the tanks grinding along the road .
15 To put those odds into perspective , however , it should be remembered that apart from having at his disposal the incredible equine resources of In-Keeping 's trainer , Martin Pipe — who himself broke all records for a jump trainer last season — events conspired very much in favour of the four-times champion jockey .
16 The oriental concentrated on keeping the big amber-eyed beast squarely to his fore , banishing from his mind the pain of his badly bitten hand and forearm , as well as his wounded leg .
17 Only in small things so far but Dexter was sure , thinking back to the taut image of the man sitting on his sofa the previous night , that he was lying about bigger things as well .
18 He makes a point of mentioning in his Guide the provision ( or lack of it ) for the poor and ill .
19 He paused , detecting in his voice the first trace of that reedy mixture of sarcasm and pomposity which he knew occasionally affected him and to which he was morbidly sensitive .
20 Le Corbusier talked of the " man-of-today … following in his leisure the organic development of his existence , which is to create a family and to live , like every animal on this earth and like men of all ages , an organized family life " ( 1927p 268 ) .
21 Dyson walked up and down the bedroom in his overcoat , making large gestures , and trailing in his wake the cosy smell of digested alcohol .
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