Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [adv] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Only two appeared in more than one newspaper — each appearing in both the Sun and the Star .
2 Ever since his time as a medical student , he had been drawn towards women who were higher up the career ladder , revelling in both the challenge and the reflected glory when he succeeded .
3 Tough love should be kind , gentle and understanding to both the family member and the primary sufferer , while nonetheless allowing each to be fully responsible for his or her own feelings and behaviour and for taking the full consequences of all choices of individual action .
4 This in turn has led to increasing Government interference in matters relating to both the organisation and professional functions of medical groups .
5 As they speed towards a moving insect , the pitch of their cries is constantly changing , continuously hunting for just the pitch needed to keep the returning echoes at a fixed pitch .
6 Four of the leading jurists of Bologna were appointed to prepare a document defining for ever the relationship between the empire on one hand and the cities of Italy and imperial vassal on the other .
7 This chapter outlines the way in which the schooling systems were shaped from the early nineteenth century by a combination of church and state politics , developing in both the North and South as expressions of catholic nationalism and protestant loyalism .
8 She stared calmly back , her jet black hair escaping from underneath the wimple .
9 1 The questioning of the place and function of writing in both the primary and secondary curricula needs to continue .
10 According to either the libertarian or social responsibility theories of the media , the means of mass communication should not be controlled by the state .
11 The result , both in some sectors where there are producers who are purely home-based and others who are foreign-based , and in whole states , is a political tug-of-war to define the ‘ cow ’ according to either the stay-at-home or to the go-abroad interests .
12 According to both the coal industry and the National Wildlife Federation , the government will as a result be forced to pay out hundreds of millions of dollars if it is to prevent strip-mining on protected lands .
13 Thirdly , because the overall intake has been increased and the average blood ionic fluoride level of the population raised , individuals who ingest submilligram doses of fluoride will run a greater risk of their blood ionic fluoride concentrations peaking to above the threshold level that can cause dental fluorosis or other ill-effects .
14 It is misguided in believing that a solution to the problem of the legitimacy of corporate managerial power can ever be found by looking to either the market or the ordering of power within the company .
15 The possession of large machines by those responsible for managing rivers can sometimes lead to a situation where the tail wags the dog , and the results can be damaging to both the environment and the economy .
16 Do my right hon. and hon. Friends agree that if we are to have an effective Royal Air Force , it is essential that our pilots are given the best possible training , including training in operating at below the level of enemy radar ?
17 Here only three sub-activities are shown : commencing with the concepts phase , leading into both the analysis and scheming phases , and then passing through to the manufacturing phase .
18 On Sept. 14 , the Middle East News Agency reported that the Arab League Council , meeting in Cairo , had passed a resolution condemning Iran 's " aggression " , and deciding to forward the case to the UN .
19 About one in five of all trips are made for business purposes and the business travel industry is growing at twice the speed of tourism .
20 Europe , which accounts for one-third of IBM 's revenue , is growing at twice the rate of the US market , but Asia continues to be the fastest-growing region .
21 Let us suppose that NBFIs maintain a stable proportion of bank deposits to total assets and that their assets are growing at twice the rate of nominal income .
22 It follows that their demand for bank deposits is also growing at twice the rate of growth of nominal income .
23 Throughswing By now the ball is flying down the fairway must as you imagined it would .
24 But remedies involving , for example , an extra tax payable by each person in a household would at the moment be madness : many councils would be left struggling with exactly the enforcement difficulties that have made the poll tax so hard to set up and administer .
25 Very few , if any , anticipated in 1976 that the period 1976–88 would lead to a radical rethinking about both the content and the control of the school curriculum and of the relationship between central government and the local education authorities .
26 Although innovation in particular cases had fostered very high population densities , it was the absence of population growth resulting from both the slave trade and the incidence of disease that provided little general incentive to intensify systems which were an adequate response to the difficulties of the environment .
27 This finding is in line with a study from Sweden that also found a significant increase in incidence during the shorter period 1970–84 , resulting in twice the incidence in women as in men .
28 Oil does not appear to be emanating from either the filler cap or the dip stick tube and no obvious cause is apparent .
29 Subsequent government documents , emanating from both the Department of Education and Science ( i.e. Secretaries of State and HMI ) and the Department of Industry , have pursued the same theme and in 1985 Better Schools contained the following statement :
30 There seems to have been very little , if any , educational advantage in this elaboration , but there certainly was an advantage , in a profession which had become vastly overcrowded , of lengthening the period of education and , when one had finally become a muderris , of providing at least the illusion of advancement by the introduction of a number of grades which were unnecessary except in bureaucratic terms .
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