Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Disputes arose as to what should be done with the cargo and the shipowners issued an originating summons on 12 March 1991 in this court naming as the defendants the charterers of the vessel .
2 Charles III 's reforms improved the quality of the imperial civil service while denying to the creoles a share in the system — perhaps because , as Floridablanca maintained , creoles were too enmeshed in local graft to be trusted .
3 Using the procedures in this way has the dual effect of preparing the case as precisely as possible for the trial judge and of encouraging a settlement by revealing to the parties the exact nature of their dispute .
4 Heeding Lady Barber 's wish that the ‘ purchases for the Collection shall be of that standard of quality required by the National Gallery and the Wallace Collection ’ , the Trustees have succeeded in acquiring over the years a group of paintings , drawings , sculptures , and objet d'art of exceptional merit , a number of them undisputed masterpieces .
5 According to the visitors the track was unfit for competitive speedway .
6 According to the bishops the conflict was " all part of a wider political strategy " involving " well-trained arsonists " who were " transported to the scene " .
7 According to the organisers no previous dancing experience is needed for the classes , which they say will also provide plenty of exercise and the opportunity to meet new friends .
8 According to the authorities the commando had been responsible for a number of recent attacks in the province of Bilbao , which had claimed the lives of five people .
9 According to the reports the government forces had acted with great ruthlessness and had executed large numbers of guerrillas and civilians .
10 According to the reports an explosion caused by staff negligence had destroyed a nuclear waste dump , spreading radioactive particles downwind of the Kyshtym plant for over 100 km and necessitating the evacuation of more than 10,000 people .
11 According to the professionals the breakdown happened because the parents were the cause of the child 's special needs .
12 Firminus , comes of the Auvergne , tried to prevent his name going forward , but Avitus reached the court of king Sigibert , and was consecrated in Metz , although according to the canons the ceremony should have taken place in Clermont .
13 Our carpenter is aboard the Angelina , building a cradle for the bomb according to the specifications the Pentagon gave us .
14 According to the Jordanians the Israeli delegation concentred on issues such as diplomatic relations and economic co-operation and refused to discuss the settlements issue and interpretations of UN Security Council Resolution 242 .
15 The fighting was caused for three reasons : different sides kept stealing cattle ; everybody was searching for new land ; and according to the Romans the Celts liked fighting .
16 The Independent of May 2 pointed out that with two minor cases concerning Urbatechnic going through the courts the commission " would probably have to declare most of Urba 's affairs sub judice and thus spare the socialists themselves " .
17 Suddenly , Clinton was leading in the polls a position he held on to throughout the remainder of the campaign .
18 When I was waiting at the Connons the other night before you all so efficiently arrested me , I had occasion to use the phone-box almost opposite the house .
19 Hands are also important in body language , usually to provide points of emphasis , while shaping with the hands the object being discussed , or an event , or signalling directions .
20 Once you get in the habit of really noticing what you eat , and expecting from the restaurants the same care for quality and ‘ real food ’ value you try to achieve at home , making the healthy choice becomes second nature .
21 Reporting on the talks the Financial Times of March 10 stated that the UK had failed to persuade China to " speed the work " of the Sino-British Joint Liaison Group ( JLG ) , which dealt with problems arising from the 1997 transfer .
22 I suppose I was kicking over the traces a bit and parental authority seemed as irksome to me then as it does to teenagers today .
23 As had always previously happened , they made an oral agreement followed by the seller giving to the buyers a ‘ sold note ’ which had on the back an exclusion clause .
24 Even in the matter of state spending on the arts the same difficulty presents itself .
25 But , claims the Greenpeace report , even by sticking to the licences the Filthy Fifty would :
26 David Langham , lands and planning manager for Kelt , said the data collected by the ship would be analysed and depending on the findings a drilling rig could be brought in .
27 The shares jumped 5p to 75p on the figures but reading between the lines the group 's remaining operations are not exactly dyanmic .
28 They quote parallel stories of astrologers reading in the stars the birth of great men .
29 What you said that that what you said about the riots , was that is that what you 're talking about the riots the worry .
30 A man standing under the trees a little way off had produced an accordion and begun to play .
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