Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [art] [noun sg] every " in BNC.

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1 Start banging on the ceiling every time he took out his biro ?
2 One of the objections to registering that users have voiced in the past is that it can lead to mountains of junk mail landing on the doormat every week .
3 It 's not a case of believing for a miracle every day , but it 's a case of having faith and trust in the Christ of the miracle .
4 But they 're not advertising , I mean , we keep looking in the paper every week .
5 This is less Ben Elton-speak than naked ambition to be an admired state-of-the-art comedian who can acknowledge the wrongs of the world , shift with the politics of the time , try out new techniques ( in this case performing in theatres with a captive audience rather than in a back room full of hecklers getting up and wandering to the bar every 20 minutes ) and be funny .
6 We looked forward to going to the theatre every evening .
7 So she waited , pacing about her room and going to the window every other minute to look across the harbour at the carrack which lay at anchor a cable or so from the town landing stage .
8 We told her that once she started going to the loo every time .
9 You got ta keep going to the bank every bloody week .
10 He was going to the analyst every morning .
11 But actually , just look , turning the page , it tells you activity and production , right , how many days worked this year , forty days , how many weeks , eight days , and all the rest , and then if you see we can get this is based on your data , that you 're feeding into the computer every week , and there 's absolutely no purpose in putting false data in .
12 It was a bad time for Charlie 's Indians : the White House cavalry was charging through the reservation every second day .
13 ‘ His name was Charlie Mears ; he was the only son of his mother who was a widow , and he lived in the north of London , coming into the City every day to work in a bank . ’
14 I mean there 's so much of money coming in the house every week
15 De Villiers grinned disarmingly. ‘ 'T WOULD not be so bad if I could get some work done so I could visit her now and then , but there 's little chance of that with the Bishop running to the Queen every five minutes . ’
16 ‘ I 've been coming to the show every week , ’ he explained .
17 It 's fine if all year round you carry the bag of a genuine superstar , who might win £500,000 ; but a caddie who works for a golfer who is outside the top twenty in the Order of Merit will not exactly be reaching for the champagne every night .
18 And then after that I 'd be drinking like a pint every twenty minutes or so .
19 He crossed to his drinks cabinet and poured himself another large measure of whisky , glancing at the phone every few seconds as if willing it to ring .
20 Are we talking about a night every night of the week or ?
21 Iron monsters emerging from the water every mile or so .
22 If they had not been in the habit of seeing each other so often , at least once a week and sometimes more , talking on the phone every day , that appalling suggestion might have driven a bolt through their friendship , eventually destroying it .
23 They were hand in hand , about a yard apart , swinging their joined hands high and indulging in a tug-of-war every time they encountered a lamp-post or a tree .
24 Her touch was so persuasive he almost succumbed to the idea of entering her again , taking her anonymity as carte blanche and indulging in the darkness every last desire he could dredge up .
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