Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [art] [adj] world " in BNC.

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1 Standing for a moment on the linking landing between the two worlds , Nicandra felt the blessed evening sun slanting benignly towards her .
2 The ‘ Westminster model ’ of government was envied by Europeans , rebuilding after the Second World War , and studied by conscientious foreign politicians , engaged in the planning of new nations .
3 British politics in the 1930s were often disillusioning for the labour movement , starting with the defection of the Labour Party 's leadership and the Party 's electoral eclipse , and ending with the Second World War , which destroyed the party 's hope of peace through disarmament and the League of Nations .
4 The panel design will make it possible to track the responses of ordinary members to these internal party changes , and to the changes occurring in the external world .
5 Edwards , 21 , has played for Australia youth and under-21s and , after appearing in the 1987 World Youth Cup finals in Chile , had 18 months with Rangers without breaking into the first team .
6 You want to know what is happening in a Third World trouble-spot .
7 In other words we want to help local enthusiasts to keep in touch with what is happening in the wider world of railways .
8 AT THIS moment what was happening in the outside world , for a cultural climate is never separate from events ?
9 The job of perceptual systems is to provide us with representations of what is happening in the outside world , representations based on information gathered from receptors based in different parts of the body that are tuned to specific classes of physical events .
10 ‘ Where it 's weird , though , is the difficulty of getting a real fix on what 's happening in the outside world .
11 Now is anything else happening in the sporting world tonight Mickey ?
12 The day-to-day life of an RAF station went on as usual , no matter what was happening in the big world outside .
13 But perhaps the best example of Picks System 's idiosyncratic development style is happening in the MD-DOS world , where the company is beta-testing multi-user Pick for MD-DOS — to be released later this year .
14 If we want to know what is happening to the church we need to understand what is happening in the secular world at large .
15 The emphasis on LAN Manager as its primary networking facility ignores the state of networking in the real world .
16 The communiqué outlined five principles for drawing up and implementing the five- and 10-year plans : ( i ) " firmly follow the road of building socialism with Chinese characteristics " ; ( ii ) " firmly push forward reform and opening to the outside world " ; ( iii ) " firmly implement the principle of developing the national economy in a sustained , stable and co-ordinated manner " ; ( iv ) " firmly follow the principle of self-reliance , hard struggle and building up the country through thrift and diligence " ; and ( v ) " firmly implement the principle of promoting both material civilization and socialist culture and ethics " .
17 Let me give another very recent example while these rather alarming , in some ways , events were going on in Arkensaw , the London Times — not the Sunday Times now — had as a centre page article by a distinguished cosmologist , Fred Hoyle , announcing to a startled world that he 'd suddenly acquired some doubts about evolution .
18 Hearings and appeals became part of the pattern of life for the families , their legal advisers , their friends and supporters , and indeed for the press and media corps that were reporting what was happening to the outside world .
19 It 's very difficult to attempt self definition without relating to the occupational world , and you get into the sort of situation where women only have private selves , they do n't have public selves at all , which certainly creates problems of self definition for them .
20 His contract expired , he moved to Lagonda in 1935 , dangerously returning to the precarious world of the fast car .
21 You 'll be returning to the glamorous world of rock as soon as he returns .
22 You can catch a sneak preview of some of the other pictures in this large ( almost 2 foot x 1 foot ) photo calendar by checking on the Third World Greetings Cards you 'll see around the catalogue .
23 Sir Robert Donald , writing between the two world wars , described them as : ‘ a somewhat primitive community .
24 ‘ Perhaps not , but then I 'm not writing about the ancient world .
25 But for de Man the difference between literature and criticism is delusive , and writing about a book is no less a process of invention than writing about an imaginary world .
26 Equally , however , it should be recognised that some writing is about communicating with the outside world and having a say in that world .
27 Once our boats had been destroyed , we had no means of communicating with the greater world .
28 Like genii , too , they must be uncorked in a dark room to dance briefly in their own time , before receding into the invisible world of memory again .
29 But not so , as Volare Volare hangs its flimsy raison d'être around a Roger Rabbit -style conceit of cartoons spilling into the real world and interacting with human beings .
30 For the skills of interacting with the physical world the procedure summarised in Table 2.6 is appropriate .
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