Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [vb infin] in the " in BNC.

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1 And er there was a stage when we came to the , where we really decided we 'd have to earmark different streets , how far we were gon na go in the centre of the town , because people were beginning to get grants for altering houses , and then in another five years time the council , the council were having to buy back these houses to redevelop the area .
2 Come on then in you come we 're gon na go in the bath now .
3 he 's gon na go in the one next door .
4 Oh , some of them are gon na sleep in the surgery
5 How many times he 's gon na walk in the next minute you know let's time .
6 Unless they 're gon na walk in the pouring rain , no whatever !
7 People just jump straight in , do the first bit , erm , having done the first bit , they then think about how they 're gon na fit in the next bit , and you end up with a rambling mess that er , does n't fit together , does n't work together too well .
8 well Andrew how 's that gon na fit in the envelope ?
9 we was gon na look in the erm advertiser and er big rugs .
10 Once Anne had accepted the fact that I was n't gon na work in the foreseeable future , and it was her choice that we stay , cos I gave her a clear choice , it was either move away where I could get work , or stay and suffer the wages of the dole like you know .
11 Yeah erm is that gon na be a problem that 's gon na recur in the future do you think ?
12 he 's not gon na fall in the fridge is he ? oh God
13 He 's gon na come in the car and she does n't fancy walking in the night .
14 to do and this Sandra was gon na ring in the afternoon , well she wanted
15 The difference between the ego and id however is that if that is gon na happen in the real world , there has to be a cake there for you to eat .
16 It 's not exactly what 's gon na happen in the plot we all know what happens it 's like how it will happen
17 And so it went on down till all the brothers in the family had married this lady and there was still no children , and then the er , they were posing the trick question to Jesus , well what 's gon na happen in the resurrection ?
18 Mum , you 're gon na win in the end .
19 video tape they 're gon na slap in the machine
20 Now I do n't believe that this issue has been aired wide enough it 's understood by a lot of people what the problems are going to be these problems are n't gon na occur in the next ten years , they will happen in twenty years ' time .
21 summarising wha , the same sort of thing as they 're gon na get in the fifth year of the
22 So all them hassles what you 're gon na get in the future when they they 're gon na fall out in a few years time .
23 And so you can imagine all the people in nineteen seventy six thinking well you know , there 's definitely been a climatic change , we 're gon na holiday in the U K in nineteen seventy seven .
24 the , the in-house , friendly at atmosphere we 've had up to now , er non-competitive , across to what we 're gon na see in the future , in the future , which is competitive with a professional client giving a professional remit to a number of tenderers , which will be us .
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