Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [pron] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We await the Light of the World with this powerful symbol underlining for us the real nature of Advent : a time of expectation ‘ as we wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Saviour Jesus Christ ’ .
2 The tone of the debate was set by Home Secretary William Whitelaw 's introductory statement in which he spoke of ( a ) the need to ‘ remove the scourge of criminal violence from our streets ’ , and ( b ) the urgency of developing ‘ policies designed to promote the mutual tolerance and understanding upon which the whole future of a free democratic society depends ’ ( Hansard , vol. 8 , 16 July 1981 : col. 1405 ) .
3 On the other hand there was some investment in being able to assess performance such that it was possible to reward people for ‘ good ’ performance , and the group were not entirely able to sort this one out in that it was representing to them a dependent desire to be judged and be judged as good , and yet a refusal to accept the terms upon which judgement was being made in that they felt depersonalized by it ’
4 Please confirm your acceptance of this post by signing and returning to me the docketed copy of this letter .
5 Please confirm that the foregoing is in accordance with your understanding by signing and returning to us the enclosed copy of this letter .
6 This will be achieved by including in the offer letter a clause similar to that set out below : Please confirm your acceptance of the above offer by signing and returning to us the enclosed copy of this letter within the next seven days .
7 ‘ You 've done quite well , ’ Arlene conceded , keeping to herself the growing excitement with which she had been watching Paula over the past weeks .
8 The new Lady Deverill was the centre of a group by the fireplace , smoking her habitual cigarette and laughing at something a handsome man by her side was saying .
9 Science explains what is happening around us the whole time .
10 It was a shocking sight to see innocent little children chasing a Ball among their hot desires , burning like dangerous flowers in the grass , each couple shameless and oblivious , weaving around themselves a tight cocoon of lust and indifference to others .
11 In this movement , Hegel saw the very rhythm of reality itself , both as a whole and in every part , and also the dynamics of knowledge and understanding by which the initial gulf between subject and object is bridged in genuine synthesis , the act of cognition .
12 In the south-east corner of the massif , however , this fall is interrupted by other heights of sufficient stature and character to be classed not merely as foothills but as separate entities deserving individual attention : of these , Norber and Moughton , enclosing between them the lonely valley of Crummackdale , display features of unusual interest .
13 She was surprised by the extent of Sue 's gratitude , when she came looking for them the following evening .
14 It attracted hundreds of people who were looking for something a little bit different to eat this Christmas .
15 His loneliness had recently been underlined by the fact that Ramsay MacLure , having been kicked out by the painter and critic Robin Ironside , had moved in with Vaughan , forming with him a steady relationship that caused Minton to talk of finding his own house .
16 He measured the number of turns along his spiral by passing along it a fine stiletto , each winding making an audible ‘ ping ’ .
17 His first-class education , his wide experience of engineering around the world , combined with the speed and clarity of his mind , made conversing with him a delightful privilege .
18 Thinking of the provocatively slow way she might later take off her shiny red boots , dark hair falling down over her placidly unconcerned face as she bent to remove them , thinking of the longer , slower flow of her otherwise quick young body as she discarded her clothing bit by bit and turned with a sudden smile of submission towards his already rumpled bed , he was also holding in to himself and caressing within himself the glass-cased ideal of a woman — a Princess — who could be worshipped without being touched by bonily clutching fingers , who could transform him without being stickied by any of his bodily fluids .
19 Then came the disgraceful ‘ leaked minutes ’ of a BBC review board meeting in which the good name of the breathtakingly beautiful Selina Scott was traduced by a cad called Peter Estall .
20 He has us in fits and the funny thing was we were sat listening to him the other night , all having us dinner , we 're sat at table and it was ever so quiet listening to him and he sort of erm he mimics the other bird
21 According to them the capitalist representation of labour , the idea that labour is a thing which can be bought and sold , came about as a result of certain economic and technical developments in medieval towns .
22 According to them the random pontine activity stimulating the cortex during REM sleep therefore has the function of erasing memories , which , in their terms , have become " parasitic " — interpretations which , whatever their origin , have no place in our latest view of the world and are redundant but persistent .
23 Women are dominated completely by men , who by the grace of God are deemed superior ; therefore , women will give testimony according to what the last man told them ;
24 He denied the Aristotelian claim that all motion requires a cause and in its place proposed a circular law of inertia , according to which a moving object subject to no forces will move indefinitely in a circle around the earth at uniform speed .
25 She distinguishes between those models that treat hemisphere specialisation as absolute , according to which a given function can only be performed by a particular hemisphere , and those that regard specialisation as relative .
26 Thus , in addition to the basic meaning of ‘ constitution ’ — a document containing , at the very least , a code of rules setting out the allocation of functions , powers and duties among the various agencies and officers of government — there is a wider meaning of constitution , according to which every democratic state has a constitution .
27 The aim of this Council was presumably to rationalize post-16 vocational provision , and establish criteria according to which the various existing qualifications may be accredited in a uniform way .
28 One prima facie plausible answer is provided by another theory , according to which the specific feature that marks off proper names from descriptions should be sought not in any " logical simplicity " but rather in the " rigidity of their designation " .
29 An early version of the alternative doctrine polygeny , according to which the global category consists of a set of quite separate races of quite distinct historical origin and wholly different psychological attributes was advanced by Paracelsus in 1520 , but of much greater significance for the history of anthropology is the fact that , during a critical period between 1 850 and 1 870 , polygeny was the dominant orthodoxy in scientific circles throughout Europe and America .
30 The terms of this argument repeat exactly those of the critical debate about univocal meaning , according to which the only alternative to the idea that history has a single meaning must be that it has none at all .
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