Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [art] [noun pl] we " in BNC.

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1 If you go interfering with the boys we 're out on our backsides . ’
2 Returning to the questions we posed at the outset of this enquiry , we would , therefore , have to conclude that anti-Semitism , despite its pivotal place in Hitler 's ‘ world view ’ , was of only secondary importance in cementing the bonds between Führer and people which provided the Third Reich with its popular legitimation and base of plebiscitary acclamation .
3 ‘ We all think maintenance is as important as landscaping , and enjoy looking after the gardens we have made , ’ she adds .
4 To deduce the familiar properties of ordering amongst the integers we make : Definition 1.2.4 The ( unique ) subset N of Z described in axioms P and I will be called the set of positive integers ; the subset -N the set of negative integers .
5 By simply developing along the lines we had already established with the lesser known young contemporaries .
6 Writing in the mid-1970s we suggested that ‘ one suspects that , in 1951 , it would be potentially more disturbing for the victim if the world knew she had been ‘ intimate ’ with her boyfriend than it would today .
7 When wandering over the hills we met a shepherd , exchanged courtesies , and offered him a glass .
8 According to the laws we believed at the time , a hot body ought to give off electromagnetic waves ( such as radio waves , visible light , or X rays ) equally at all frequencies .
9 What he actually did was right or wrong according to the criteria we have discussed , while his intention was right or wrong , on Bentham 's view , according as to whether his action would have been right or wrong if things had turned out as he expected .
10 We 're all talking as if migration can be manipulated and a share between housing for migrants and housing for local need can be er arranged by us planners according to the numbers we write down on a sheet of paper .
11 According to the witnesses we have consulted , it seems likely that the growth expectations set forth in the Second National Plan ( 1954–57 ) were in contradiction to the conventional wisdom at the beginning of the 1950s , which expected that only low rates of growth were possible …
12 ‘ Now the Civil servants are looking at the things we put forward before Christmas which they dismissed .
13 And even looking at the figures we get now , I mean others here will take a great deal of interest , one 's interested in knowing where you 're going and what 's , you 're looking at those figures yourself anyway .
14 So so in a way , they 're looking at the levels we 're at now is an accurate level using a high price item .
15 We see this in the increasing influence of the new Ecology Movement , in the power of the Gaia theory , in the efforts of established religions to come to terms with their part in dealing with these issues ; and much more humbly , but much more universally , we see it in the increased attention that so many of us are now paying to the ways we celebrate the beauty and diversity of life on Earth .
16 When cooking with the children we want to finish with something eatable , so we are likely to add the liquid carefully ourselves , but we could let children experiment with the play-dough and if they make the first lot too soggy , more flour and salt can be added without much trouble until they make a ‘ workable ’ dough , and there can be plenty of conversation about too much , too little , a little more , a lot more and enough .
17 If he starts being really difficult and kicking at the partitions we sometimes have to put hobbles on him .
18 The evening resumes in the bar have some merit in linking in the activities we do not see on film but had an embarrassing ‘ bar bore ’ quality .
19 You may feel that we have been exaggerating about the goodies we like to consume causing us shape and health problems .
20 Experimental horticulture at this level would provide much-needed scientific background data for improved cultivation methods for plants from extreme environments , whilst providing visitors with an appreciation of the principles involved in habitat modeling , plant diversity , and plant collecting in the regions we specialise in .
21 When we drew level the six of us did a protracted and violent Mexican wave , screaming at the tops of our lungs and behaving like the thugs we are .
22 While playing with the children we can introduce the terms backwards , forwards , in front of , behind , by the side of and next to .
23 The Chancellor of the Exchequer was given a two-minute standing ovation after he delivered an uncompromising defence of his policies and declared : ‘ It is clear that the economy is already responding to the measures we have taken , and I have no doubt whatever that it will come right in good time .
24 And judging by the calls we got after the programme , there was n't much time .
25 When you came over to see us in the field , Cowslip , you said your warren was n't large , but judging by the holes we saw along the bank , it must be what we 'd reckon a fine , big one . "
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