Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [art] [noun] being " in BNC.

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1 Where courses are offered at only one teaching centre , it would be possible to make significant progress by initially devolving responsibility for assessment only to the college , while maintaining for the time being central control of the course content .
2 Even allowing for the pound being on home ground that is a sizeable difference .
3 The Shamir administration refrained , however , from challenging for the time being the apparent PLO involvement with the Jordanian-Palestinian delegation , nor did it decide to use this as grounds for withdrawing from the conference .
4 running from home : most frequently given reasons were — lack of understanding within the family , problems arising from separation , divorce or remarriage of parents , breakdown in communication , trying to trace absent natural parent , rows and arguments often ending with the youngster being thrown out , violence at home often accompanied by drunkenness , other physical or sexual abuse , and bullying at school .
5 So what is happening to the tape being produced in Wrexham ?
6 Coroners have the right to impound evidence relating to the death being investigated and this can include the wreckage of an aircraft , radio , flight data and cockpit voice recordings , and all the navigation and technical records of the flight .
7 What it does offer , however , is the possibility of digitising the third dimension with a signal passing through the object being digitised to give a measure of its thickness .
8 A typical example — and there are many of these — was when he patiently sat through a high level Air Ministry conference listening to the Mosquito being castigated for its poor night flying qualities ( because of the glare from the exhausts ) , and Boscombe Down recommended that it should never be flown at night , the chairman , as an afterthought , suggested Bennett contribute his views : " I wish someone hid told me about all these faults ' , he replied , " because I have been flying the Masse on OBOE night trials with excellent results " .
9 The Council held monthly meetings , later becoming more frequent , with different ministers attending according to the subject being discussed .
10 This will vary according to the crops being grown and management practices ; it can be minimised if soil conservation measures , fertilisers and suitable crop rotations are utilised , including intercropping with legumes .
11 a range of access levels to the system according to the task being performed
12 The compresses can be used hot or cold according to the condition being treated .
13 According to the condition being treated , one or more of a whole range of different Chiropractic adjustment techniques could be employed .
14 ( 2 ) Reasons for decisions referred to in subsection ( 1 ) above ma be required to be given by the board in writing on a request being ma e to the clerk of the board , not more than 48 hours after the decision is made , by the applicant or , as the case may be , by the holder of the licence , or by any objector , or by any complainer who appeared at the hearing .
15 The seneschal stopped , looking at the work being done with a critical eye .
16 It is also looking at the interest being shown by producers in Yorkshire and Cumbria .
17 During the past few months , we have again weighed upthe pros and cons of reapplying now , or waiting for the time being .
18 In the year 1531 , an attempt had been made to poison Fisher whilst at his palace at Lambeth , the attempt failing owing to the bishop being unable to take food , but 19 people died and others were taken seriously ill .
19 Above : Almost all of the signals were coins , owing to the beaches being so free of litter .
20 Twenty thousand pounds for information leading to the police being able to interview this Mr Kennedy .
21 And they 're offering a £5,000 reward for information leading to the killer being found and convicted .
22 Mr and Mrs Jones also chose to use star charting with a star being fixed to a chart above Olwyn 's bed on successful nights .
23 If an employer infringes the law , resulting in an employee being sued for this infringement , the employee can require the employer to pay any damages .
24 There would be a fierce struggle , resulting in the Reds being bundled out of the building , whereupon the same tactics would be employed in another part of the building .
25 On one occasion the aggression was returned , resulting in the person being brought into the station and charged .
26 Our pens were collected up at the end of each session , so we never got the same pen twice , resulting in the nibs being frequently crossed .
27 ‘ Black cases ’ ( the minority ) where comparatively high levels of certainty existed about the probable occurrence of sexual abuse included , by comparison , either denial or admission of wrong-doing ; medical investigation leading to supporting evidence ; police investigation resulting in the perpetrator being charged and by allegations of sexual intercourse .
28 Extremely thin conductors may be undermined by excessive etching time , resulting in the tracks being etched through .
29 After training has finished the blood supply is reduced and the ‘ pump ’ disappears , resulting in the muscle being smaller than before the exercise started .
30 This may require amendment depending upon the premises being demised .
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