Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [adj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 And that included the experience of caddying for some of the greats when they came to St Andrews , such as Henry Cotton and Flory Van Donck .
2 Once water is removed from the animal matter ( about 60 per cent ) the dried remains burn easily , producing about two-thirds of the weight of coal .
3 By 1913 the United States was producing about one-third of the total manufacturing output of the whole world : this was as much as Great Britain , France and Germany together .
4 It is thus possible that , just as we are suggesting for some of the other finds at Mycenae , it was taken from Knossos : if so , the implication is that other pieces of statuary and relief carving from Minoan Knossos were also removed — by some Mycenean equivalent of Lord Elgin , perhaps .
5 Use 750g/1¼lb of the marzipan to cover larger cake : first fill any gaps around base then , using about two-thirds of the remainder , roll out a strip to cover side of cake completely .
6 Hundreds of gypsies are gathering for one of the biggest horse fairs of the year .
7 He had done a reasonable amount of pilot work , firing for some of the older shunt link drivers and had also fired on the local ‘ pick-up ’ , but this at last was the real thing .
8 Unfortunately , the Museum and the Reading Room of the British Library Reference Division share a common entrance , so any simple count of people walking through either of the two entrances to the building would certainly give a correct number of people entering the Museum , but it would not be correct for genuine visitors to the Museum .
9 there is a basic four-chord harmonic sequence , used as a structural underpinning for much of the piece ; in a conventional rock song this might well have been deployed as a rift or worked into predictable phrase-structure patterns .
10 Although the now frequently-used concept of ‘ the right to resistance ’ was referred to in the older religion-based natural law theories , it is mainly the more recent , secularised version of natural law with its emphasis on human rights that seems to provide a theoretical underpinning for some of the assertions about the illegality of nuclear war and the justifiability of nuclear protest .
11 His hands swept boldly over her body , pushing aside her flimsy robe to scorch her trembling skin with his touch , and she pressed closer still , aching for more of the devastating fire .
12 There was a real bond of friendship and understanding between many of the great churchmen of this age and leading warriors ; it would be a nice point to decide whether the happiness of St Margaret 's marriage to King Malcolm of Scotland ( see p. 210 ) was more or less remarkable than the depth of St Anselm 's friendship with Hugh of Avranches , the first earl of Chester , the savage hammer of the Welsh .
13 Now watch this , as we go through the tack the sail is driving for most of the time just flapping briefly as the sail turns through the wind .
14 A division was appearing between those on the paper linking their politics to Ernest Mandel 's branch of the Trotskyist Fourth International , and those — like Clive Goodwin — anxious to keep its independence , and relationships within the paper had begun subtly to shift .
15 Mr Jones was shocked at the cheek of a man who was only middle-aged , and had a house and a living , in applying for one of the new homes .
16 Wendy managed to get a job as a receptionist in a dental surgery to begin with and will keep applying for one of the hygienist training courses .
17 It is absolutely essential that no member pre-empts these discussions by applying for any of the schemes on offer while these negotiations continue .
18 Jones had tried to cover his tracks by disposing of some of the apparatus on a rubbish tip .
19 The little horse was the most extraordinary thing that had ever happened to him in all his life , appearing like that in the torchlight and looking at him even before it was wholly born , as if to say , ‘ Hi , mate . ’
20 A gangpath ran from Corridor 11 , just by number 23 , crossing Corridor 12 high up , and twisting onto one of the stairs .
21 ‘ I feel like it , ’ Laidlaw retorted , climbing onto one of the bar stools .
22 But if your ticket allows you to fly back from Lisbon or Oporto , after all this culture you could go walking in one of the national parks , explore the wine regions , or treat yourself to a spa ( try Termas de São Pedro and Caldas da Rainha , cheapest in Western Europe ) .
23 In Nepal , dolphin habitat has traditionally been in deep clear water with swift currents , but hydro-electric development is occurring in many of the susu 's favourite remaining areas .
24 If what Jespersen suggests were true , however , one might expect to show some tendency to be dropped in the uses where it is " meaningless " and there is no sign of this occurring in any of the functions listed either by Buyssens or by Jespersen .
25 Significantly then , apart from isolated evidence of attempted antislavery pledging in 1792 in the middle of a parliament , it did not become a systematic technique of abolitionists until the culmination of the emancipation campaign in the early 1830s when parliamentary reform politics also triumphed .
26 One program , AUTOFRACTIONS ( see reference 3 ) , that has been used very successfully in the classroom produces large fractions on the screen in the format 4/15 = ? /60 , with the ? appearing in one of the four positions each time .
27 As right-wing supporters , many appearing in public for the first time in almost three years , welcomed their liberators with monarchist flags and fascist salutes , many other Spaniards faced a terrifying future : so terrifying , indeed , that to some suicide was preferable .
28 Our President , Lady Braithwaite , appearing in public for the first time in her new role , was warmly greeted , and during the afternoon she drew the first lucky winners of our 200 Club , a most important new venture to raise badly needed funds for the Society .
29 No I , I think there is , there is a lot of evidence that this is happening in all of the villages
30 If the record is n't happening in any of the media , it is probably best to cut your losses and pay the bill .
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