Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [adj] [noun pl] on " in BNC.

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1 Two hundred and eight golf professionals — some reigning champions , others young rookies — have been competing for 50 places on next season 's full European Tour .
2 Two hundred and eight golf professionals — some reigning champions , others young rookies — have been competing for 50 places on next season 's full European Tour .
3 This defeatism , unwarranted either by the fragility of Reagan 's mandate or by the public opinion polls , led the Speaker meekly to surrender his control over the legislative schedule by agreeing to an accelerated timetable allowing for final votes on the president 's programme by mid-summer .
4 Allowing for rough ends on the dowel 's random overall length , plus the short extensions at each end of the spar , the sail height is set at 2220mm ( 87½in ) and the spine cut to 2300 ( 90½in ) .
5 As the superintendent cut her way through the herd of lunchtime drinkers , Dexter followed in her wake , like a driver who glues himself to the back of an ambulance careering through busy streets on an emergency call .
6 The high-rise hype blew up in our faces , with the demolition of tower blocks in London and Merseyside appearing as slow-motion spectaculars on television , hundreds of homes up for less than a lifetime now squandered .
7 The process of checking for unnecessary points on a digitized line should be capable of being performed within the GIS .
8 Megatek Corp , San Jose announced the newest member of its X-Cellerator family , a $1,500 Esprix CL accelerator supporting multiple workstation users on a single Sparc CPU , enabling for independent users on a Sparcstation 10 .
9 Megatek Corp , San Jose announced the newest member of its X-Cellerator family , a $1,500 Esprix CL accelerator supporting multiple workstation users on a single Sparc CPU , enabling for independent users on a Sparcstation 10 .
10 Cottee got two again last night — returning after five months on the sidelines to stop Dalglish 's £10million side striding to the top of the Premier League .
11 They were : feeling the wind in your hair , walking with bare feet on the grass , and baring in the rain .
12 The proper officer , under his devolved powers , determines the time for payment , using means guidelines provided , which determination the plaintiff or the defendant is entitled to seek reconsideration by applying within 14 days on notice giving reasons ( Ord 9 , r 3(4) ; the proceedings then having been transferred , if necessary , to defendant 's home court and date , giving not less than eight days ' notice to each plaintiff and defendant , is fixed before the district judge .
13 However the dealers who bought and sold for themselves in opportune moments while trading in new issues on behalf of clients have sometimes been found out and reprimanded , but not usually sacked , if they were good dealers .
14 This can be achieved by taking one trainee 's answer sheet and summarising in broad terms on a separate sheet of paper the answers given .
15 It was asked , since the testator had in a general clause charged a trust relating to all dispositions on whoever should be his heir , to pay whatever legacies he had left or had ordered to be paid or done , whether , when Seia made over the three-quarters of the estate , she should vindicate the gardens in full .
16 The Council was in the 1970s recruiting a large number of relatively young staff , who saw the job , in the words of one of them , as ‘ a creative experience ’ , engaging in curriculum development , relating to senior academics on the Council 's committees and working with peers in the polytechnics and colleges , generating ideas , disseminating good practice , advising on the planning and monitoring of courses , and in general developing an identity for the CNAA which combined the validation role with access to professional networks , research and advice on evaluation and other processes contingent on the validation relationship .
17 General standards relating to preliminary actions on all MAS engagements are dealt with in chapter 02 of this guide .
18 During his short tenure of the foreign office in 1807 – 09 George Canning had published official correspondence relating to foreign affairs on a markedly larger scale than any of his predecessors , though what appeared in print was still limited in scope and carefully edited .
19 By pressing on different spots on the foot , practitioners say they free up blocked energy channels , helping the body to heal itself .
20 Fifty-five per cent of the 781 families lived in houses consisting of two rooms on a tenement staircase .
21 The other picture , Sphere Surface with Fishes , shows an analogous pattern , with the fish swimming between opposite poles on the globe .
22 The WRVS are also looking for additional meals on wheels drivers , for just a couple of hours once or twice a month .
23 When looking for new sites on the ground , it can be very easy to overlook features or fail to understand them , whereas sites viewed from the air can be seen in their entirety .
24 " We are always looking for new ideas on planting and design to see if we can vary them to suit our garden . "
25 So we 're only looking for fourteen businesses on each assignment .
26 I have always been interested in maps and looking for odd placenames on them .
27 Yes , this is me with the Geiger counter looking for radioactive traces on the moor , nothing much actually , so in the end it was a bit of a waste of time ’ ) .
28 It 's still worth looking for English labels on the vegetables and fruit — do try to support the good old English varieties .
29 Scott-Kilvert showed his affection for Greece by serving for many years on the council and executive committee of the Anglo-Hellenic League , in due course becoming honorary secretary .
30 At a further quadrilateral meeting between Foreign Ministers on April 17 , it was decided to establish a commission to monitor the ceasefire .
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