Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] he at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Nine others are appearing with him at the commital proceedings .
2 Nine others are appearing with him at the commital proceedings .
3 Michael Grant , who was 24 , died within moments of a fuel oil tank exploding under him at the Midlands Electricity power station in Plough Lane , Hereford last August .
4 All this time Marcus was standing , now more upright , looking about him at the various speakers , with an interested air .
5 Looking about him at the great press of people , the escalator that was a river of people flowing on and on , the crowds that streamed down the stairs so that if a train was held up there would be room for no more to squeeze on to the platform , he wondered why a terrorist group had never thought of putting a bomb in the tube .
6 He glanced back at her , then turned away , looking about him at the cluttered floor , the smoke-blackened walls , the broken ceiling of the room he was in .
7 Tuan Ti Fo turned , looking about him at the simple order of his room .
8 Looking about him at the others , Christian said , ‘ There !
9 Initially , Calandrini was on excellent terms with his mentor , De Dominis , lodging with him at the Savoy Hospital .
10 He turned away , looking round him at the great nest of screens and machinery .
11 So she was writing to him at the time I telephoned .
12 ‘ Sit down , sit down , ’ said Owen hurriedly , looking around him at the crowded cafe .
13 In the morning he had woken with energy racing through him at a pace too uneven to harness .
14 Sammy was yapping and jumping up and down , waiting for him at the bottom .
15 Tom was waiting for him at the bottom .
16 Georgi Kirov was waiting for him at the appointed place and time .
17 ‘ Your man 's a faceless pig to most people out on the streets , ’ said Hogan nastily , as Cowley led the way through the swing doors of the Ministry building , and hurried towards his chauffeur driven car , waiting for him at the bottom of the steps .
18 They would be waiting for him at the train 's next scheduled stop , the guard would see to that .
19 Hasan was waiting for him at the top of the stairs , and , as soon as he heard his guardian 's tread , the little boy sat up , sniffed the air and stretched out his hands like a cat , waking after sleep .
20 But they 're waiting for him at the telecottage , a converted school which is due to run out of HIE and BT funding soon and is aiming to become a profitable business , specialising in desk-top publishing , graphic design and printing .
21 Cranston was waiting for him at the small tavern just outside Aldgate in the Portsoken overlooking the stinking city ditch .
22 Er , failure to produce his driving licence failure to produce a test certificate for the vehicle and failure to produce his insurance documents and what Mr says in respect of er , those three offenses is that er , the officer , he accepts , did tell him that he was obliged to produce the documents to a police station but he says that he was suffering some shock as a result of the road accident and er he did n't appreciate what the officer was saying to him at the time and , never having had to produce his documents at the police station before er , he had never er no , known that that was a procedure that had to be followed and in the circumstances he did n't pay any attention to the print on the H R T er , one form that was issued to him and he did n't produce the documents .
23 And what Mr says in respect of er those three offences is that erm the officer , he accepts , did tell him that he was obliged to produce the documents to a police station but he says that he was suffering some shock as a result of the road accident and er he did n't appreciate what the officer was saying to him at the time and , never having had to produce his documents at the police station before , er he had never er known that that was a procedure that had to be followed .
24 Staring around him at the butchery , he says , ‘ What a mess .
25 Glancing round him at the mess , he added coolly , ‘ We 'd best clear up before Mary arrives .
26 Gooch watched Akram 's bowling as closely as a surgeon at the operating table , the ball flashing across him at an acute angle against the backdrop of a dramatic dark-blue sky .
27 As the British Airways Boeing 757 twin-engined jet touched down on Runway 27 Left at Heathrow at 8.33 a.m. , Adam concluded that there would probably be someone watching for him at the shuttle terminal .
28 Joe had another blacksmith working for him at the forge .
29 It 's cos he 's working for him at the moment money .
30 Jessica 's interest is Rory Collins , we 're working on him at the moment .
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