Example sentences of "[v-ing] [verb] them [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Society tends to ignore the inherent sexuality of younger teenagers , especially girls , preferring to see them as innocent children , so consequently when girls do fall pregnant , they have few rights or benefits as mothers .
2 As vesting day , 1 April 1948 , approached , the shape of the organisations which were to take over the industry , and the men who were going to lead them at national and regional level were known .
3 By abolishing their organs of self-government , attempting to enrol them in secular educational institutions , and trying much harder than earlier legislators to force them out of the countryside into the towns , the Minister of State Properties intensified the subversion of Jewish communal life which had begun when community leaders had to make invidious choices about recruits for the army .
4 They have been too ready to use one or other of the clashing theses as occasion served , without troubling to bring them into intelligible relation .
5 Most of these mountains can be seen on a walk to the watershed of Glen Nevis , but foreshortening robs them of distinctive summits .
6 Philips kept their ownership of the buildings and equipment used in the preparation and serving of the food , but made them available to ISS without charge ( while undertaking to maintain them in good order ) and Philips even paid for the electricity , water and telephone costs involved in the canteen operation and for the removal of waste .
7 For one thing , the British people at that stage of history were not regarded as a nation still reliant on divine approval for their acts , and for another , they did not have any ancient writings purporting to endow them with territorial rights .
8 She arrives , convincingly , at a much more positive — for the women in question — interpretation ; but also one which allows the writings and lives of these women to have a depth and dimension for us which was simply not available in many cases while we insisted on trying to see them as sexual victims of appalling restrictions of personal freedom : to see them as though they were us .
9 This whole issue about er children , junior church , other activities , children being compromised , adults finding it difficult to insist or persuade their children , that they should be in junior church , when other folks are trying to tempt them in other directions .
10 However , when the courts are considering new situations , they will not be constrained by trying to fit them into existing categories .
11 It would be far better , as my right hon. Friend the Foreign Secretary said , to conclude association agreements with those countries and to help them in every way to catch up and to adopt the principles of a single free market rather than trying to integrate them within new political structures .
12 She looked right at O and Boy when she said this and it was as if she was trying to scare them in particular , even as if she was trying to frighten them away from each other , as if she was saying , to them , and to all of us , this is what you have to go through , right ?
13 A non-artist songwriter will need a music publisher who can promote his or her writers , songs aggressively , trying to place them with major recording stars .
14 What I will write here will be in a language most will understand and , wherever possible , I have thrown out complex biochemical concepts , trying to translate them into simple concepts that everyone will understand .
15 They may be unwilling to face their feelings and emotions , preferring to drown them in continuous drinking .
16 Iran gave the impression that it believed Iraq was planning to replace them with single-buoy moorings ( SBMs ) , a subject on which rumour had been rife since 1980 .
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