Example sentences of "[v-ing] [verb] to [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Its effect may produce dispersal rather than crowding according to the characteristic response repertoire of the species .
2 , William ( c. 1789–1857 ) , surveyor and civil engineer , was born in Burntisland , Fifeshire , and educated at Burntisland and in Edinburgh before becoming apprenticed to the eminent Scottish land surveyor , John Ainslie [ q.v . ] .
3 ‘ I will manage , thank you , ’ Theda had told her , her senses by this time becoming dulled to the dreadful impressions that had battered her one after the other in this horrid house .
4 Article 36 bis spelled out that the basis for a member State of an organisation becoming bound to a third party with respect to a treaty concluded by the organisation was its express agreement .
5 Already the trade showed signs of becoming restricted to the immediate neighbourhood of Reading , whose clothiers seem to have controlled most of the output of Berkshire .
6 We live in a ‘ market economy ’ and many one time ‘ command economies ’ are endeavouring to change to the same arrangements .
7 Known as FJ Gutmann in the 1930s , he anglicised his name to Goodman for the war years , serving in the ranks as a soldier before becoming attached to the Royal Air Force 's Photographic Interpretation Unit at Medmenham by the war 's end .
8 It quickly became apparent that the BMC Management Committee was antagonistic towards training initiatives and dismissive of the training committee , instead preferring to talk to the external advisory board SACOMT , which contained real climbers and not the self-interested educationalists infesting the training committee .
9 By refusing to agree to the social chapter , is not he wanting to exclude British people from the provisions for equal status for 6 million part-time employees , many of whom are women ; for fair and equal treatment for women at work ; for proper protection for young people at work ; for rights to minimum holiday leave ; and for better information for employees ?
10 Crowds were composed of groups of family , friends , or work-mates tending to go to the same part of the ground and recognizing those around them .
11 ANY SERENITY MOONCHILDREN wanting to write to a real cosmic far-out gal , get scribbling !
12 From about AD500 the Christian Church introduced a practice of dating according to the nearest religious festival .
13 Yet if Richard Armstrong was writing according to a tried formula , concrete detail and well-conceived plots and the firm line of his character drawing helped him to achieve a special , moderate , even low- keyed reality in his books .
14 The Partnership Programmes began to appear in 1978 , tending to conform to a standard pattern .
15 While Kittay 's theory has the advantage that it allows metaphor to be seen as operating according to the same basic principles regardless of the size of the discursive unit in question , Brooke-Rose 's own examination of the mechanisms of the verb metaphor suggest a view that minimizes dependence on an implicit ‘ proper ’ term outside the text and emphasizes the metaphoric interactions between the terms themselves .
16 Amongst all these fugitives seeking to surrender to the British in those first few days were the two groups whose fate is the particular concern of this report .
17 Breasts sliced off — ’ he held out a glistening spoonful ; Kitty blenched — ‘ for refusing to submit to the lustful wishes of one Quintian .
18 An animal does indeed strive instinctively to keep alive , much as it will forage for food ( plants in unconscious and less mobile ways do also ) , but , lacking language , it is unduly anthropomorphic to describe this as hoping or aspiring to live to a ripe old age ; except perhaps as a joke .
19 Although somewhat hazy about the precise nature of these forces , Morgenthau was clear that the subject needed to be elevated to a science ; otherwise its radical message for American policy would be undermined by the wishful thinking of those wanting to return to a pre-war policy of isolationism .
20 He/she must not only offer an accurate description of the death-like oppressiveness of the capitalist world as it is developing in the first half of the twentieth century , but must also depict accurately and without facile romanticism or glib sentimentality , the angry and determined political struggle of men and women refusing to acquiesce to the oppressive forces of capitalist society .
21 surplus there is , and then it redistributes that surplus and given that the , the , the priority is industrialization most if not all of that surplus is going to go to the industrial sector .
22 ‘ And she likes the house to stay just the same , ’ she remarked to Fru Gertlinger , as she swept back through the green-baize door for yet more toast , ‘ so she 's not going to object to the blue room being returned to its former colours .
23 If we are not going to appeal to the anthropic principle , we need some unifying theory to account for the initial conditions of the universe and the values of the various physical parameters .
24 ‘ Oh , you must wait for coffee , ’ said Bob , sobering and turning to signal to the young waiter .
25 Four twos two fours which ever one 's easier it 's going to come to the same answer .
26 ( Elizabeth Wilson recorded once realising that she was more than usually anxious about the question of what to wear when she was going to talk to a feminist group . )
27 ‘ Wilson is going to talk to the whole school , ’ said Mr Malik .
28 ( e ) Students are required to submit tests for marking according to a pre-determined timetable ; each test shows the latest date by which it must be in the tutor 's hands .
29 Fee income was still growing — we were very happy with the growth rate and everything was going according to the five-year plan we had drawn up at the time of the merger .
30 Is a short-term objective anything more than the tactics required from moment to moment in order to implement the over-all strategy that is going to lead to the long-term objective ?
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