Example sentences of "[v-ing] [verb] [pn reflx] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The Scottish selectors , however , rated his prime potential value to Scotland as a prop and the genial giant is in the process of seeking to establish himself in the tighthead position .
2 She had not looked deliberately , not wanting to tempt herself with the sight of him .
3 When we denounce the anti-Semitism and let the Fascism take care of itself , we are fastening on what is prepolitical or sub-political , and refusing to engage ourselves on the plane of politics where , as Olson insists , we 're required to vindicate our own sorts of polity against the Fascist sorts .
4 Despite killing more than 1m of their countrymen between 1975 and 1979 , and despite refusing to submit themselves to the vote , they still have a chance of being invited into the government after the election .
5 And for all he knew , pro-Syrian elements , the Lebanese Forces and other narco-terrorist groups were also still looking to revenge themselves for the damage that he and the Asmar cell had done to their drugs , arms and hostage-taking operations in Beirut .
6 The picture is obscured by the different public and private agencies seeking to divest themselves of the burden by distributing costs between one another .
7 WITH COVENT Garden on the rise , West Soho , London 's Eighties mecca of zonal shopping , is looking to keep itself on the agenda .
8 Initially the Australians showed that they were unprepared to be manipulated by quietly but firmly refusing to commit themselves to the ANC 's extra-curricular initiatives for a Boipatong visit and the wearing of black armbands during matches .
9 This type will grow into a defiant adult seeking to prove himself to the world .
10 ‘ In all my films , ’ said Winner , ‘ the underlying theme is the individual seeking to prove himself against the mass , to set himself above the environment .
11 At no time during his life did Vincent show any sign of wanting to involve himself in the socialist movements of his day .
12 The institutional , legal and procedural definition of convocation had not been clear in 1307 nor was it finally resolved by 1327 : the clergy were struggling to free themselves from the enveloping quicksand of parliament , the king 's high court , and to reach the firm ground of an autonomous clerical assembly , no part of the king 's court ( with all that that implied ) and free from the intimidating presence , or intrusion , of those royal councillors who were laymen .
13 Her hair , red snakes struggling to free themselves from the hairpins , was the only vital thing about her .
14 After them the literary scene in Slovenia throughout the nineteenth century resembles that of many of the small nations of Europe struggling to free themselves from the shackles of the great multinational empires which straddled the continent from Finland to the Aegean .
15 In this sense , social work has been struggling to free itself from the same trap as much of British industry .
16 She just looked up at him with bewildered eyes and he put her firmly away , turning to launch himself into the water .
17 If she 's not careful , her poor old taxi is going to find itself off the road for a week .
18 We 're going to lock ourselves inside the fragile skin of a small floating home , and all of us , three of us anyway , at odds and full of motives I did n't understand .
19 He was much the same height as Hotspur , and much the same build , though twenty years at least older , and a century more crafty , and there was always the curious suggestion about him that he was ready and waiting to fit himself into the void if ever Hotspur slipped out of being .
20 To schematise , the British working class has not been ready to run the risks of attempting to constitute itself as the ruling class , of putting forward concrete proposals for working class control over industry and finance and fighting seriously to achieve them .
21 This involves attempting to put yourself in the consumer 's shoes so as to identify with their hopes and expectations and finding ways of meeting these .
22 You 're not , you do n't trust them , you 're not going to put yourself on the line are you , suppose .
23 The hoverspeeder , its motors still idling , was attempting to wedge itself into the hole in the wall which Daak must have made with the vehicle 's front thrusters .
24 Heads of department from the Soviet trade union centre , the AUCCTU , are expected to visit Congress House in the New Year on a fact-finding mission , and there have been requests for training links to be built between the TUC and the Hungarian trade union body , SZOT , which has been attempting to restructure itself over the last two years .
25 Owen had been working for a consulting company in Washington before deciding to devote himself to the contras , sitting at North 's feet ; despite his deep immersion in murky affairs , he still took a wide-eyed view of the world in which he operated .
26 ‘ Yeah ; soon as it 's finished , I 'm going to throw myself off the Channel Tunnel . ’
27 You are going to need to buy some bathroom scales if you have n't got any , or if the ones you have got are n't accurate , because each day you are going to weight yourself to the nearest pound ( 0.5kg ) .
28 ‘ There 's lots o' seats to set up and they want a nice big pulpit built , ’ the Nark continued , beginning to enjoy himself despite the possible danger to their freedom .
29 Looking upwards , Miss Fergusson observed the halo of cloud beginning to form itself around the summit of the mountain .
30 It ill behoves Opposition Members constantly , for ideological reasons , to decry my Department 's sponsorship of the sale of arms to friendly countries wishing to defend themselves within the terms of , for example , article 51 of the United Nations charter .
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