Example sentences of "[v-ing] [verb] to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 toilet training and , well not toilet training but reminding to go to the toilet , look at his hat did you read in the paper that George Best has had to spend half of his testimonial money on debts
2 He spent the entire morning with his legs crossed , not daring to go to the loo in case one of his colleagues was in there at the same time and came to the wrong conclusion . ’
3 Bren was dying to go to the pub .
4 I even went , I was dying to go to the toilet so I thought oh I 'll go down to the big er and I had no toilet paper so I 'll go down to the big toilets and shower rooms .
5 ‘ And how did she know he was dying to go to the match ? ’
6 The disk is small and ill-defined with the arms appearing to continue to the middle of the disk .
7 This family is characterised by the disk being ill-defined or constricted with the arms appearing to continue to the centre of the disk in some genera ; the disk may be covered with skin or a dense coating of granules ; the long and narrow radial shields ; the reduced papillae on the jaw with only the apical papillae well developed and the oral papillae small , like enlarged granules ; the genital slits situated vertically on the sides of the disk ; the arms long and covered with skin or granules .
8 At the lower levels of the movement , however , many were becoming attracted to the prospect of ending the feuds of recent years .
9 It was the only thing that could have made Sarah temporarily forget about James , and she was still awake with her thoughts when Ella 's snoring rattled to the rafters of the narrow attic room .
10 The waitress , feeling like she has done her best , storms off with tears brimming to talk to the manager .
11 Bailey and Harrison ( 1984 ) followed up the research of Cohen ( 1975 ) , which had reported that percentage cloze scores seemed to represent different levels of understanding according to the nature of the subject .
12 Although 1 Squadron can only be credited with directly killing 21 communist bandits , the constant bombing and strafing contributed to the destabilisation of the communist terror campaign afforded by the Chinese-backed guerrillas .
13 Not one of Norrington 's finest recordings then , but one that at least has one rethinking these delightful scores in the wake of countless recordings that have found me positively itching to get to the end !
14 Yet she was itching to move to the metropolis and bombarded her parents with subtle and not so subtle requests .
15 However , the bargain must be made well in advance ; it will only undermine your disciplinary strategy if you wait until he is lying on the floor , kicking and screaming and refusing to go to the shops , and then begin promising ice-cream .
16 She had never visited it before , and looked around her with interest , remembering to go to the kitchen entrance .
17 In the West Indies the incident of wanting to go to the airport , and the fact that he turned up late for matches a number of times , had gained him a reputation for lack of discipline .
18 COUNCILS have been accused of refusing to come to the rescue of hard-pressed small firms struggling to meet their Uniform Business Rate demands .
19 Many of the East Germans assumed West Germany had again dug into its pocket to ‘ buy out ’ East Germans seeking to come to the West .
20 Wycliffe said : ‘ Before we have to turn him loose which we shall , get Lucy Lane over to Flushing to talk to the girl . ’
21 We also get requests from work from the organisational review working party , which is a working party that 's erm basically looking to progress to the D M D , Decentralization of Microtization initiative .
22 On investigation it was found that the horse watched his questioner and judged when to stop tapping according to the questioner 's inclination of the head and facial expression .
23 The weekend had begun with a briefing from the Major and from a purported Russian spy seeking to defect to the west and who , meanwhile , was staying in a safe house .
24 Last Friday 's shambles , when Joyce Gould effectively re-wrote the leadership contest nomination rules to try to ensure that a leadership contest actually took place , was merely the nadir of a process that has seen the people 's party acting according to the slogan of ‘ all power to the apparatchiks ’ , and losing its soul , its sense of purpose , much of its membership — and the general election — along the way .
25 In December 1630 he was silenced by William Laud [ q.v. ] for not catechizing according to the form laid down in the Prayer Book , and for refusing to bow at the name of Jesus .
26 Raising the £6.5 million , ‘ the largest sum ever attracted by a radical project in Britain' according to the publicity blurb , had been either a heroic achievement by selfless , dedicated humanitarians or the blag of the century .
27 In short , it was to supply the framework for economic activity , especially in areas where private capital , operating according to the logic of profitability , would be unable to provide it .
28 With Britain 's roads becoming more crowded and dangerous , cyclists are looking to escape to the countryside in the Forest of Dean .
29 Opinion is tending to veer to the view that the wind has merely modified pre-existing sand accumulations left by other agencies , including the sea .
30 On May 15 six former East German leaders were charged in connection with the May 1974 " shoot-to-kill " order which resulted in the death of more than 200 people seeking to escape to the West across the inter-German border .
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