Example sentences of "[v-ing] [noun] [prep] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Transfer as Diagram 3 using heels of stitches to ill the needles .
2 Moreover , any monopoly tendencies in the market will tend to increase transactions costs and lead to an inefficient mechanism of channelling funds from savers to borrowers .
3 In addition to channelling funds from depositors to borrowers , certain financial institutions have another important function .
4 At first sight , a number of proteins ( PI3' , phospholipase C , p120-GAP , for example ) implicated in transducing signals from receptors to Ras are left out of the picture .
5 The file designer can measure the results of applying groups of updates to the file and make timing estimates based on the results of these tests .
6 He bombards male insects with radioactive particles to sterilise them and then releases them in huge numbers , so condemning generations of females to infertility .
7 The Victorians had very different ideas on keeping animals in captivity to those we hold now , and many of the buildings are totally unsuitable by today 's standards .
8 It is worthwhile noting that Liverpool have spent a colossal amount rebuilding Anfield in addition to their outlay on linguistically-challenged scandinavian defenders .
9 Instead of gaining entry by qualification to a professional body , teachers , on becoming qualified , may join ( if they so wish ) one of six unions .
10 At this point it is likely that we may make a second mistake and go for a purely positivist view of law , the view that the nature of law can be appreciated purely by reciting the elements of positing and applying law without reference to its objectives or functions , so that we have a legal system as long as there are institutionalised ways of selecting mandatory rules and some arrangement for an authoritative application of those rules to particular situations .
11 Money may , for example , be used as a measure of value enabling comparisons of value to be made between different objects such as houses or cattle .
12 ‘ You 're twenty-seven , you 're beautiful — oh , yes you are — ’ she 'd dismissed Shannon 's laughing denial with the airy wave of a hand — and you should be sharing your life with some gorgeous hunk by now , not returning night after night to a cold and empty flat . ’
13 It can be seen as applying principles of ESP to the general curriculum of school education , presenting language as a service for the achievement of other than language objectives .
14 This , of course , assumes that there are returning officers in existence to whom the Clerk can send the writ .
15 We could make a similar point about the psychological literature explaining subculture as resistance to parental norms .
16 But legal aid experts argue that low income and capital limits are denying access to justice to increasing numbers of people who can not afford to pay privately .
17 In " The retreate " , a complex linguistic and pragmatic site is displayed , and it is deixis which largely holds this together , enabling frames of context to be created , and leading the reader around and into the work .
18 What , then , is a useful way of conceptualising profit in relation to such examples ?
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20 The slow dance was quickening , swirling them back and back through the darkening woods and stabbing gorse of memory to the sheep trying to escape the cold night and , beyond that , to the ways in which each of them , Forest girl and Forest boy , had first joined body with another .
21 The influence of technological change on industrial competitiveness will be analysed by relating trends in technology to changes in the economic environment in which they take place .
22 Schick ( 1972 p. 16 ) states that ‘ budgeting always has been conceived as a process for systematically relating expenditure of funds to the accomplishment of planned objectives ’ .
23 Earlier in this chapter the three key elements of rational approaches were identified as : relating expenditure of funds to fulfilling organisational objectives , a zero-based approach to choice and decision making and a multi-year time horizon for budgetary decision making .
24 At first glance there appears to be substantial equality in the income maintenance payments made to men and women , in that the same rates apply to both , and there are no rules debarring women from access to benefits just because they are women .
25 This tradition that the redemption brought by Christ has abolished laws of purity that distinguished between clean and unclean animals , clean and unclean foods , clean and unclean people ( Jew and gentile ) and clean and unclean physical states ( women during menstruation ) restrained Christianity for several centuries from applying laws of impurity to women .
26 The mantle of scapegoat was passed down through Scotland 's goal keeping history from Martin to Haffey , to Kennedy to Rough and then to the most unlikely scapegoat , the Aberdeen and Manchester United goalkeeper Jim Leighton .
27 Pragmatics provides us with a means of relating stretches of language to the physical , social , and psychological world in which they take place .
28 We have also legislated five times to transform industrial relations , returning power from militants to ordinary union members .
29 The only way in which the discrimination between A and B can be enhanced is by some process that reduces the role of the c elements in producing generalization from A to B. It is not apparent that establishing associations between A and X and between B and Y will do this , even though X and Y themselves hold rather few ( z ) elements in common .
30 Now it 's hoped more people will step up safety at work , bringing peace of mind to managers and dogsbodies .
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