Example sentences of "[v-ing] [noun] [prep] [art] good " in BNC.

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1 In a report to the Conseil des Ministres ( the Cabinet ) she wrote , ‘ Our companies often encounter resistance from West German companies in gaining access to the best parts of this market ’ , adding later , ‘ I am very European , but it is quite unacceptable to build Europe on the basis of an imbalance with Germany ’ . '
2 He over-valued the pound when we went into the ERM and , coupled with his insistence of achieving zero inflation , that is destroying industry , jobs , homes , families and any chance of rebuilding Britain for a better future .
3 The direct way takes shattered cracks straight up the wall ahead , tending R to a good ledge on crest in 35m .
4 Not only that but the Board predicted that with its second station it could improve substantially on the Sizewell performance , setting British construction times and operating records among the best in the world .
5 A century of saving seed from the best plants has led to continuous improvements .
6 The resource cost of producing BC of the good has fallen from BCHE to BCFE , a saving of EFH .
7 Selling houses to the poor may not be compatible with minimising the losses to taxpayers , which requires selling assets at the best price available .
8 Research does not argue with this , but it does cut out a lot of hard work by providing evidence on the best methods , treatments , or products available from which you can begin to make choices and evaluate the effectiveness of care given as a result .
9 Will my right hon. Friend not stint in providing Britain with the best independent deterrent ?
10 Your competitors may not be doing things in the best possible way .
11 The quiet of Hertfordshire did wonders for me , I walked in the grounds and looked across at the ‘ Immemorial elms ’ and listened for the ‘ Curfew ’ to toll the knell of parting day in the best Thomas Gray style .
12 If you 're fed up with poor food , consult The Good Food Guide 1991 , by Tom Jaine ( Consumers ' Association/Hodder & Stoughton , £12.95 ) , giving details of the best value restaurants .
13 Spending time with your bass should be like spending time with a good friend .
14 The latest offering is yet another cut destined to become staple floorfilling material in the better haunts .
15 In 1348 the king restored the Earl of Lancaster 's title to the Honour and castle of Pontefract , which he had hitherto held on lease from the queen , ‘ having regard to the good service and great honour which our … cousin has done us in Gascony ’ .
16 There is also a legal question as to what costs and expenses the target can properly pay , having regard to the best interests of the company and the restrictions under s.151 CA 1985 on companies giving financial assistance for the purpose of the acquisition of their shares .
17 Being involved in a job which necessitates a good deal of physical activity ( housework , unfortunately , does not rate high in this way , in these days of mod. cons. ) , or taking part in a good deal of sport or walking ( that ten-minute daily dozen does n't really rate here , either ) .
18 Taking advantage of the good weather and the amazing lack of activity since his last blitz , Andy Nisbet returned to the quartzite and sandstone cliffs of Coire Mhic Fhearchair on Beinn Eighe adding another ten routes with various partners ( more details next mont ) .
19 We roamed the streets together looking for possible future providers of parchment and , taking advantage of the good weather , rode north to Oxford to the parchment-sellers along Holywell and Broad Street as well as the little shops on the Turl near Exeter College .
20 ‘ This is only to be expected with more people taking advantage of the good weather to get out and about in the countryside .
21 One then ‘ breeds ’ a new generation of routes by combining features of the best ones , and randomly altering a few details as a form of mutation .
22 Therefore , attempt eating foods with a good carbohydrate level if you can .
23 Proportionately and absolutely more retail and clerical workers lived in the north of the borough , making use of the good transport facilities to the shops and offices of the metropolis .
24 If a child is born with some degree of mental impairment and has parents able to handle the situation calmly , without undue guilt or anxiety , creating a relaxed home atmosphere , encouraging the child 's full development however slow it is , making use of the best educational facilities available and providing a stable , reassuring , affectionate home , then such a child might well not be severely handicapped by the disability , but grow up relatively independent , sociable and self-confident .
25 The ’ next steps ’ initiative is making use of the best and most appropriate management practices from all sectors , such as contracting out , recruitment of chief executives from the private sector , performance pay , publication of reports and accounts , customer surveys , trading funds , and financial flexibility to carry money between financial years .
26 ‘ Beyond that the company is introducing , and indeed educating people to the better standards it is creating , not only in the UK , but world-wide .
27 Evolutionary theorising is a matter of making inferences to the best explanation .
28 Racks and Torments ! dost think , Child , that my Limbs were made for leaping of Ditches , and clambring over Stiles ; or that my Parents wisely foreseeing my future Happiness in Country-pleasures , had early instructed me in the rural Accomplishments of drinking fat Ale , playing at Whisk , and smoaking Tobacco with my Husband ; or of spreading of Plaisters , brewing of Diet-drinks , and stilling Rosemary-Water with the good old Gentlewoman , my Mother-in-Law … .
29 On our side of the road , where the water is within a metre of the gravel edge , the phalaropes have come within spitting distance for a better look .
30 No one is disputing that a more professional and competitive junior structure is welcome but the question that we have to ask is ‘ Area we welcoming people into the better system that we are creating ? ’
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