Example sentences of "[num] from the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is less clear how far the Household itself differed after 1540 from the Household of the Yorkists .
2 In Germany employers gain area 2 from the employment of migrant workers , while in the UK employers lose an amount equivalent to the areas 3 + 4 .
3 have certificate AG 2 from the Department of Social Security
4 The Professional Aviation Jet Prop DC-3 from the Republic of South Africa ( marking the first time the RSA has ever displayed an aircraft at Farnborough ) employs the Schafer/Aero Modifications International design ( first flown in the US in August 1986 ) and they have been ‘ building ’ examples since 1991 .
5 Entitled Broadening the RU 486 Debate : A Non-Aligned Feminist Report , it report will be available in June 1991 from the Institute on Women and Technology , Department of Urban Studies and Planning , Room 3–405 , Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( MIT ) , Cambridge , Massachusetts 02139 , USA
6 Very soon farmers were using clay tiles , which , stamped with the word ‘ drain ’ , were exempted in 1826 from the tax on other clay products .
7 In Clwyd , for example , the North East Wales Institute of Higher Education was formed in 1975 from the amalgamation of three colleges : Kelsterton College of Technology , Connah 's Quay ; Aston Technical College , Wrexham ; and Cartrefle College of Education , Wrexham .
8 Now the business links board will be er , cons constituted of nine individuals , three coming from the tech , three from the Chamber of Commerce , one from the County Council , one from the District Council , and one representative of the other district .
9 The upper tier would be known as the Interim Committee for Local Authority Higher Education , its membership consisting of the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State , William Waldegrave as Chairman ; Christopher Ball , Warden of Keble College , Oxford ; and six local authority representatives , three from the Association of County Councils and three from the Association of Metropolitan Authorities .
10 The upper tier would be known as the Interim Committee for Local Authority Higher Education , its membership consisting of the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State , William Waldegrave as Chairman ; Christopher Ball , Warden of Keble College , Oxford ; and six local authority representatives , three from the Association of County Councils and three from the Association of Metropolitan Authorities .
11 Freed , furthermore , after 1870 from the embarrassment of the papal states and continually reinforced by its growing missionary societies , the Church was manifestly expanding in number and influence all through the first half of the twentieth century , when other large Churches were only too clearly declining rather than advancing .
12 One to George II from the pasha of Tripoli in the 1750s had to be sent to the Netherlands to be translated ; and another from the sultan of Morocco to George III in 1779 was still awaiting translation several months after reaching London .
13 OPPOSITE View along Corso Vittorio Emanuele II from the roof of the Duomo
14 One of those few is Bruce Dickey , as gramophiles may remember as far back as 1981 from the album of ‘ Virtuoso Ornamentation around 1600 ’ by Schola Cantorum Basiliensis ( Harmonia Mundi , 9/81 — nla ) .
15 The paintings became State property after being nationalised in 1918 from the collection of Irina 's industrialist father , Sergei , by Lenin in person .
16 The letter of 5 June 1992 from the Clerk of the House of Commons starts by saying , ‘ My attention has been drawn to the fact that the House of Lords may be asked to hear argument in this case based on the meaning or significance of words spoken during proceedings on a Bill in the House of Commons . ’
17 This was an appeal by the Director of Public Prosecutions by leave of the House of Lords ( Lord Keith of Kinkel , Lord Oliver of Aylmerton and Lord Lowry ) given on 11 February 1992 from the order of the Divisional Court of the Queen 's Bench Division ( Nolan L.J .
18 The embalmed corpse of Georgi Dimitrov , Bulgaria 's Communist leader from 1946 until his death in 1949 , was removed on July 18 from the mausoleum in central Sofia where it had been on public display , and was cremated in a private ceremony .
19 The two major volcanoes , Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea , have attained elevations of over 4000m above sea level , but they rise more than 9000 m from the floor of the Pacific Ocean from a base well in excess of 200 km across ( Fig. 5.12 ) .
20 So Marine Mining 's vessel will bring the waste to a floating buoy 700 m from the shore at Gwithian .
21 Thus , the Gwent College of Higher Education was formed in September 1975 from Newport College of Technology , Newport College of Art and Caerleon College of Education ; while the West Glamorgan Institute of Higher Education came into being in September 1976 from the merger of three long-established colleges in the city of Swansea : the College of Art , the College of Education , and the College of Technology .
22 His name first appeared in the record of a Society Meeting as No. 32 from the Catalogue of the Foreign Associates , or Honorary Members of the Academy : ‘ Filippo Miller Sopraintendente dell' Orto Medico di Chelsea a Londra ’ .
23 This is caused by the presence of an additional chromosome ; normal human cells contain forty-six chromosomes , and Down 's babies have forty-seven from the moment of conception .
24 John Beaumont , who moved in 1550 from the Court of Wards to the Mastership of the Rolls , was as corrupt in his second post as he had been greedy in the first .
25 Mark Pinder , 22 , from Brighton , one of a party of eight from the university on a climbing expedition , suffered severe head injuries in the fall .
26 Consequently , very little has survived and , apart from a late fourteenth-century rectangular oak coffin in the St Peter Hungate Church Museum at Norwich , and a c.1500 ossuary chest in Winchester Cathedral ( Col. 7 ) , excavated in 1958 from the site of the Carmelite Friary at Cowgate , Norwich , we have to turn our attention to illuminated manuscripts of the period to see what was provided at the close of the Middle Ages .
27 We believe that the consistently low values of HNO 3 measured inside the vortex in spring ( Fig. 2 ) result from conversion of HNO 3 from the gas to the solid phase , probably accompanied by loss from the atmosphere altogether by sedimentation .
28 3 From the floor with two helpers
29 The cosmids were picked in batches of about 50 from the set of unhit clones ( ie by sampling without replacement ) , and so to ensure that the cosmids in each batch were from different regions on the genome ( and hence to maximize efficiency ) the unhit clones were reordered against the ordered YAC probes .
30 Michel Noir , the mayor of Lyon , resigned on Dec. 6 from the Rally for the Republic ( RPR ) , the main opposition party , and gave up his seat as a deputy .
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