Example sentences of "[num] he [verb] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His original ambition was to be a painter , and in 1933 he enrolled at Goldsmith 's College School of Art .
2 In 1872 he introduced at Victoria on the Metropolitan District Railway an automatic train-protection system whereby a red lens positioned in front of a white signal light was raised above it on actuation from an electrical contact only when the section ahead was clear .
3 At full nineteen he stood at life 's door ,
4 In 1920 he matriculated at Edinburgh University for a B.Sc.
5 In 1825–9 he studied at Edinburgh University , graduating MD in 1829 ; the dedicatees of his thesis , ‘ De Ventris in Reliquum Corpus Potestate ’ ( on the influence of the abdomen over the body in general ) , included Professors William P. Alison and James Home [ qq.v . ] .
6 From 1899 he studied at St Bartholomew 's Hospital , and qualified as MRCS and LRCP ( 1907 ) ; later he attained the degree of MD ( Durham ) .
7 In 1949 he crashed at Tangmere in a Wellington , suffered burns , and after treatment at the East Grinstead Queen Victoria Hospital , left the RAF to become a night time telephone operator and union Branch Secretary .
8 In 1766 he arrived at Otley on feast day and found the town " gone mad in noise , hurry , drunkenness , rioting , confusion , to the shame of a Christian country " .
9 In 1934 he crashed at Allessandria , breaking his leg .
10 In 1980 he arrived at Queen 's University to study law and at the end of his first year flew out to the USA to find summer jobs as labourer .
11 In the 1840s and 1850s he lived at Noel House , Kensington , and participated in the scientific , literary , and artistic life of London .
12 During World War Two he worked at Boscombe Down on what he guardedly called ‘ communications development ’ .
13 On Christmas Eve 1827 he arrived at Abbotsford which he had left six months before , as he wrote in a letter , ‘ in doubt whether I should fly my country and become avowedly bankrupt and surrender my library and household furniture with the life-rent of my estate for sale . ’
14 For this purpose he built up at his own expense a large collection of apparatus , which by 1723 he valued at £400 .
15 In 1791 he offered at auction the much smaller , but very choice collection , known as the Bibliotheca Parisina , with catalogues in English and French .
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