Example sentences of "[num] he [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Throughout 1971 and 1972 he remained in Britain 's top three heavyweights , but was overlooked when the BBBC ordered a series of eliminators to decide the next British title challenger .
2 In 1933 he starred with Wallace Beery in The Bowery , which included a fight scene on a barge in which Beery landed the first blow .
3 His original ambition was to be a painter , and in 1933 he enrolled at Goldsmith 's College School of Art .
4 In July 1346 he landed in Normandy with an army of perhaps some 15,000 men .
5 In July 1583 he escaped to St Andrews , and set about destroying his tormentors or pardoning some in return for abject submission .
6 In 1872 he introduced at Victoria on the Metropolitan District Railway an automatic train-protection system whereby a red lens positioned in front of a white signal light was raised above it on actuation from an electrical contact only when the section ahead was clear .
7 In 1881 he moved to London in an unsuccessful endeavour to enter journalism .
8 At the age of 12 he went on holiday to Butlins in Ayr with his parents and had his first taste of competitive success .
9 At the age of twenty-one he moved to London , working briefly as a civil engineer before joining the Admiralty hydrographers ' department .
10 About 1630 he moved to Stourbridge , living at Stourbridge High Street at the ‘ brickhouse ’ , the later Talbot Hotel .
11 In January 1801 he wrote to Charles James Fox , the Leader of the Whig Opposition , enclosing the two volumes of Lyrical Ballads , and asking him to read Michael and The Brothers , not for their poetic merit but because they illustrate ‘ the weakening of the bonds of domestic feeling among the poor ’ .
12 In 1808 he returned to Wavertree .
13 In 1821 he joined in partnership with John Beckinton of Newcastle and set up an office at 14 Salthouse Lane , next door to the Hull branch of the Bank of England .
14 In 1790 he moved to Wavertree , near Liverpool .
15 At the end of 1684 he returned to England , fully qualified , and was taken on by Dr Thomas Sydenham as an assistant in a busy London practice .
16 In 1902 or 1903 he married in Toledo Grace Cornelia , an artist , the daughter of William Eaton Canedy of Chicago , an inventor and manufacturer of heavy mining machinery .
17 In 1903 he went to Merton College , Oxford , as one of the first Rhodes scholars and in 1906 he gained a second-class degree in modern history .
18 In 1879 he returned to England and began studies at Manchester New College in London .
19 In 1662–3 he served as lord mayor of London .
20 In 1825 he moved to London and in 1827 settled in Islington .
21 In 1770 at the age of nineteen he went to Italy , and a volume of drawings of friezes , urns , and classical ornaments which he made in Rome is preserved in the Mellon Collection : he later told the diarist , Joseph Farington [ q.v. ] , that he had become well acquainted with Piranesi , and that while abroad he had kept a journal written in Italian but had subsequently destroyed it because he was embarrassed by its poor linguistic quality .
22 At full nineteen he stood at life 's door ,
23 In 1894 he went to Oxford University as a non-collegiate student but ill health caused him to leave and he spent the year 1895 acting as tutor to an English family in Odessa .
24 Early in 1991 he called on Arabs and Muslims to persuade the Allies to declare a cease-fire ; in July he saw both Tareq Aziz and President Mubarak in an attempt to intercede ; and in the following month his efforts continued , in what was described as a ‘ last-ditch mediation effort ’ .
25 In 1660 he returned to England with his master , who ensured him several honours from the newly restored Charles II .
26 In 1874 he returned to England .
27 In 1874 he moved to London , first to Clapham Common , and then in 1876 to 8 Gower Street .
28 In 1892 he went to work in the Great Western Railway works in Swindon , principally as a hammer-man , remaining there until 1914 .
29 In 1892 he moved to London and graduated in mining in 1896 at the Royal School of Mines .
30 Balliol 's hold on his kingdom proved even more tenuous than he feared : in December 1332 he moved to Annan , where he was surprised by Sir Archibald Douglas and the Earl of Moray , both partisans of David II , and forced to flee to Carlisle , whence he sent an appeal for support to Edward III .
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