Example sentences of "[num] i [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 At about half past eleven I had a telephone call — I was in bed but I have an extension in my room for emergencies .
2 On 29 September 1980 I purchased a house for £9,000 cash from my father , who owned it exclusively in his own name from 1968 when I , along with him , my mother and sister , came to live there .
3 In Chapter vi I suggested a way in which this can be achieved .
4 In 1972 I wrote a paper with Brandon Carter and an American colleague , Jim Bardeen , in which we pointed out that although there were many similarities between entropy and the area of the event horizon , there was this apparently fatal difficulty .
5 With × 12 I find a hint of resolution in the outer parts , and this is marked with × 20 .
6 As I was walking down Sackville Street one fine spring day in 1985 I noticed a sign in the window of a bookshop , now no more , advertising BBC books for sale .
7 ON OCTOBER 2 I gave a talk on the British monarchy at an astrological conference in Oslo .
8 In Chapter 2 I gave a breakdown of the five minimum requirements of the graph search mechanism .
9 One day in 1826 I brought a box of toy soldiers home from Leeds .
10 In the nineteen seventies I ran a school primary team , and at that time a woman refereeing football was quite a novelty .
11 ‘ When I was in grade three I had a crush on this really big guy .
12 Er number three I had a phone call , oh I forgot the term planner .
13 In the autumn of 1984 I introduced a bill to bring the first pension reforms into effect .
14 ‘ I saw problems coming for the breed and in 1984 I started a training club for Dobermanns and , more specifically , for their owners , ’ Graham said .
15 When I was fifteen or sixteen I found a confirmation of my interest in what it is to take on your own past in some of Sartre 's work .
16 In 1952 I received a county grant , enabling me to attend a girls ' public school in the Home Counties .
17 ‘ I grew up in Australia , and when I was about fourteen I saw a guitar and that was it : I just fell in love , just totally obsessed .
18 When the Abwehr sent me to Ireland in forty-one I met a friend of his in Dublin .
19 In 1978 I published a study ( The Aristotelian Ethics ) in which I argued , on the basis of twenty-four independent tests based on 60% of the word usage in the text , that the disputed books resembled the Eudemian context rather than the Nicomachean one .
20 In 1976 and 1977 I published a number of papers in pragmatics , and these I eventually revised to make a book , Explorations in Semantics and Pragmatics , published by John Benjamins ( Amsterdam ) in 1980 .
21 A nice night 's sleep seems like a nice change , but nightmares have habits of popping up , once when I was five I had a dream that my friends and I were being ripped apart and eaten by a giant , now when the time comes to go into that great big C D tea room in the sky , could you change something ?
22 Then o on page five I found a quote that there was nothing particularly in the consultation document for merger referring to finance apart from the increase coming from the changes and that question er , the , I take your points er , in fact referring to the and provider unit .
23 at Christmas time 193 1 I had a table of gold , hoping that it might in some way draw us all back to the old gold standard again gold lame tablecloth , old white Mennecey china , many yellow roses .
24 Before I go on a DV I feel a bit like a private eye .
25 At the age of seventeen I entered a convent .
26 When I was about twelve I had a governess called Miss Mayhew .
27 13 I open a book to page x .
28 In 1926 I won a scholarship to Hastings High School for Girls , and was able to have four years of Grammar School education .
29 I want two I want a girl and a boy .
30 But one day in 1989 I got a phone call from Bob Woodward , founder and chairman of CLIC , the Cancer and Leukemia in Childhood Trust .
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